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External investment and trade

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CLEXExport Climate. CataloniaCatalonia

Related information

The Input-Output Framework for Catalonia provides detailed information on exports and imports of goods and services, with territorial breakdown of the rest of Spain and abroad.

The Secretary of State for Trade of Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism publishes information on external trade (External link: a new window will open) and external investments (External link: a new window will open).

The State Tax Administration Agency (Agència Estatal d'Administració Tributària) (External link: a new window will open) publishes monthly and annual information on external trade statistics.

The Spanish Chamber of Commerce (External link: a new window will open) provides a data base on external trade.

Monogràfic sobre la competitivitat de les empreses catalanes (External link: a new window will open). Nota d'economia no. 89 (2007).

Idescat's Documentation Centre

Documentary fund on external investment and trade