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Estadística i comptes del sector serveis: comerç, turisme, transport i serveis a les empreses


This publication contains extensive information on the market service sector in Catalonia based on the Annual Survey of Services, a yearly operation conducted by the National Statistical Institute (INE) in conjunction with Idescat. This edition is the latest in a series that began with the publication for the year 2002.

The information is organised into four major groupings:

  • Retail
  • Tourism
  • Transports and communications
  • Company services and personal services

Each grouping is sub-divided into sectors, which are in turn divided into branches. In the case of the retail grouping, there is also a third level of breakdown (sub-branches). For each sector and branch, the following tables are published:

  • Main results
  • Main aggregates
  • Employment
  • Turnover and trading margin (only for retail)

The first table, Main Results, contains not only the number of companies, establishments and persons employed but also the business accounting concepts extracted directly from the survey questionnaire: operating income and expenditures, stock fluctuations and investments in material assets. The second table offers the basic main aggregates from the national accounting, calculated based on the accounting items in the previous table: production value, intermediate consumption, gross added value, gross exploitation surplus. The third table shows how employment is distributed by sex, as well as salary or wage earners according to the type of contract (permanent or temporary). The last table presents the data on the gross trading margin and the percentage of this margin over sales.

Descripció basada en: 2002


  • 2007
  • 2006
  • 2005
  • 2004
  • 2003
  • 2002