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Survey on ICT Equipment and Use in Households 2009

The Survey on the equipment and use of information and communication technologies in households (TIC-L) informs on the ICT equipment (television, landline telephone, mobile telephone, computer equipment, Internet connection) of households and the use that the population makes of computers, Internet and e-commerce. This is an annual sample-based survey conducted by the INE for the whole of Spain. On the basis of an agreement with the INE, Idescat expands upon the results offered by this operation for Catalonia. The information obtained is comparable with other autonomous communities, Spain and other countries.

The results on the equipment of ICT in households are broken down by household characteristics (size of municipality and size of household). The tables containing the results for the use of ICT offer information broken down by demographic and socioeconomic characteristics.

The information published refers to homes in which at least one person aged between 16 and 74 years lives and to people in this same age group.

As well as the results for 2009, information also appears in the Economy section for this operation in previous years. A simplified version of the results is also available in the economic structure indicators.

The Information society observatory foundation of Catalonia (FOBSIC) also publishes information on these statistics and other studies of its own on the impact of ICTs in Catalonia.

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