The Annual Economic Accounts for Catalonia are a statistical product whose main objective is to offer detailed information on the Catalan economy in three main areas: supply, demand and income.
Idescat presents the Annual Economic Accounts for Catalonia, with the 2019 Benchmark Revision and the previous bases of 2010, 2008 and 2000, in accordance with the methodology of the European System of Accounts.
In the context of the statistics on economic accounts in Catalonia, this is an important operation, since it provides estimates for the main macroeconomic variables (value of production, intermediate consumption, added value, compensation of employees, gross operating surplus and jobs), broken down into forty-four activity branches. The volume indices and deflator indices and their changes are also presented.
(In Catalan)
Available tables [−]
- Main results
- GDP supply. By activity branches
- GDP income. By activity branches
- Jobs. By activity branches
Previous bases
Base 2010
Main results
- GDP supply, demand and income. Current prices
- GDP supply, demand and income. Variation rates at current prices
- GDP supply and demand. Indexes in volume chained (year 2010=100)
- GDP supply and demand. Variation rates in volume
- GDP supply and demand. Deflator index (year 2010=100)
- GDP supply and demand. Deflator variation rates
GDP supply. By activity branches
- Gross added value. Current prices
- Gross added value. Variation rates at current prices
- Gross added value. Indexes in volume chained (year 2010=100)
- Gross added value. Variation rates in volume
- Value of the production. Current prices
- Value of the production. Variation rates at current prices
- Intermediate consumption. Current prices
- Intermediate consumption. Variation rates at current prices
- GDP income. By activity branches
- Jobs. By activity branches
Main results
Base 2008
- Main results
GDP supply. By activity branches
- Gross added value. Current prices
- Gross added value. Variation rates at current prices
- Gross added value. Indexes in volume chained (year 2008=100)
- Gross added value. Variation rates in volume
- Value of the production. Current prices
- Value of the production. Variation rates at current prices
- Intermediate consumption. Current prices
- Intermediate consumption. Variation rates at current prices
- GDP income. By activity branches
- Jobs. By activity branches
- GDP per capita in purchasing power parity
- GDP in purchasing power parity
Base 2000
- Main results
GDP supply. By activity branches
- Gross added value. Current prices
- Gross added value. Variation rates at current prices
- Gross added value. Indexes in volume
- Gross added value. Variation rates in volume
- Value of the production. Current prices
- Value of the production. Variation rates at current prices
- Intermediate consumption. Current prices
- Intermediate consumption. Variation rates at current prices
- GDP income. By activity branches
- Jobs. By activity branches
- GDP per capita in purchasing power parity
- GDP in purchasing power parity
- Base 1995
Base 2010
- Linked series
In other sections