The Indicators of the competitive position of the tourist sector that Idescat publishes are the following:
- Relative Prices Indicator of International Tourism in Catalonia.
The product of two indices:
- The price component index. The quotient between tourist prices in Catalonia and the weighted geometric average of the tourist prices of the countries included in each of the areas and markets under consideration.
- Exchange rate component index. The weighted geometric average of the cash exchange rates of the euro and the currencies of each of the countries included in the markets under consideration.
An increase in the relative price indicator denotes a loss of competitiveness of tourism in Catalonia in relation to that of competing countries and markets.
- Market Share Indicator of International Tourism in Catalonia.
The number of arrivals of foreign tourists (receptive tourism) that visit the Catalan territory divided by the number of arrivals of foreign tourists visiting the indexed competitor territory with respect to 2010.
Inversely to what occurs with the Relative Prices Indicator, an increase in the tourism market share should be interpreted as an improvement in competitiveness.
The data is produced on a quarterly basis by Idescat and Ministry of Enterprise and Labour, using data from the OMT, and the FMI and the Eurostat and the INE.