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Index of the Revealed Competitiveness of the Industry. By main markets

Index of the Revealed Competitiveness of the Industry. By main markets
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Index of the Revealed Competitiveness of the Industry. By main markets Catalonia. 4th quarter 2019
Current quarter Previous quarter Same quarter previous year
Total main markets 94.2 88.5 88.8
Main markets of the Monetary Union 86.7 83.3 84.5
Germany 62.2 61.2 63.3
Austria 87.4 83.6 86.0
Belgium 67.3 64.8 60.9
France 115.0 110.4 111.1
Greece 69.1 68.3 53.5
Ireland 175.0 136.3 85.7
Italy 98.5 96.3 96.9
Netherlands 73.5 66.4 71.9
Portugal 80.7 80.1 85.4
Main markets of the rest of Europe 119.8 112.9 107.9
Denmark 75.5 68.1 71.3
Poland 84.2 81.6 80.8
United Kingdom 119.8 104.0 105.1
Czech Republic 74.5 80.5 72.2
Russia (1) 114.4 124.8 103.1
Sweden 75.8 77.7 72.1
Switzerland 288.3 269.4 250.1
Turkey 87.5 80.5 86.0
Main markets of the rest of the world 97.9 83.6 86.2
Australia 84.1 77.4 81.4
Brazil (1) 46.3 47.6 42.0
Canada 122.2 160.1 138.4
United States 117.2 105.7 109.9
India (1) 82.2 85.0 84.4
Japan 168.4 158.3 155.5
South Korea 139.4 117.0 137.2
Mexico (1) 108.3 94.4 111.8
China (1) 92.6 62.8 58.7
Units: Base 1999 I quarter = 100.
Source: Idescat and Departament of the Vice-presidency and of the Economy and Finance, based on OECD and Tax Agency data.
An increase in the Index means an improvement in the competitiveness.
Indicator pending update, awaiting a review of the methodology.
(1) The indicator is calculated with total exports and imports.

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