Population of 16 to 64 years with a disability. Men. By age groups and reasons for not looking for work
Població de 16 a 64 anys amb discapacitat. Homes. Per grups d'edat i raons per les quals no busca feina
16-44 | 45-64 | Total | |
És discapacitat i creu que li seria molt difícil trobar-ne | 11.201 | 6.045 | 17.245 |
No pot treballar | 7.362 | 14.907 | 22.269 |
Creu que no en trobarà | 197 | 820 | 1.017 |
Està jubilat o percep una pensió d'invalidesa | 0 | 10.107 | 10.107 |
No li cal treballar | 0 | 404 | 404 |
Altres causes | 2.948 | 566 | 3.514 |
No consta | 2.690 | 2.204 | 4.894 |
Total | 24.397 | 35.054 | 59.451 |
Unitats: Milers de persones. | |||
Font: Idescat. |
Available tables [+]
- Basic characteristics of disabled people
- Disabled people in a dependent situation
Economic activity of the disabled person
- Population of 16 to 64 years with a disability. By relation with economic activity and sex
- Population of 16 to 64 years with a disability. By relation with economic activity and province
- Population of 16 to 64 years with a disability. By sex and change in relation with activity as a consequence of the disability
- Population of 16 to 64 years with a disability. By sex and size of company
- Population of 16 to 64 years with a disability. By sex, age and reasons for not looking for work
- Population of 16 to 64 years with a disability. Men. By age groups and reasons for not looking for work
- Population of 16 to 64 years with a disability. Men. By age groups and reasons for not looking for work
- Social and health services and aid
- Degree of severity of disabilities
- Description of impairments