Population of 6 to 64 years with a disability. Women. By number and type of disability
Població de 6 a 64 anys amb discapacitat. Dones. Per nombre i tipus de discapacitat
Una | Dues | Tres i més | Total | |
Percebre qualsevol imatge | 0 | 0 | 2.042 | 2.042 |
Tasques visuals de conjunt | 1.882 | 2.292 | 5.380 | 9.555 |
Tasques visuals de detall | 3.393 | 2.774 | 7.100 | 13.267 |
Altres problemes de visió | 2.814 | 481 | 5.623 | 8.918 |
Rebre qualsevol so | 0 | 890 | 1.545 | 2.435 |
Audició de sons forts | 129 | 1.947 | 1.802 | 3.878 |
Escoltar la parla | 11.392 | 3.330 | 5.649 | 20.371 |
Comunicar-se a través de la parla | 794 | 0 | 2.001 | 2.795 |
Comunicar-se a través de llenguatges alternatius | 0 | 0 | 2.906 | 2.906 |
Comunicar-se a través de gestos no signats | 0 | 0 | 819 | 819 |
Comunicar-se a través de la lectoescriptura convencional | 1.360 | 0 | 11.766 | 13.126 |
Reconèixer persones i objectes i orientar-se | 0 | 0 | 3.484 | 3.484 |
Recordar informacions i episodis | 0 | 0 | 9.634 | 9.634 |
Entendre i executar ordres i/o tasques senzilles | 0 | 0 | 2.690 | 2.690 |
Entendre i executar ordres i/o tasques complexes | 0 | 0 | 12.292 | 12.292 |
Canviar i mantenir les posicions del cos | 348 | 4.854 | 18.916 | 24.118 |
Llevar-se, anar-se'n a dormir | 2.951 | 5.792 | 21.239 | 29.981 |
Desplaçar-se dins de la llar | 0 | 0 | 11.927 | 11.927 |
Traslladar objectes no gaire pesants | 4.755 | 2.792 | 24.888 | 32.435 |
Utilitzar utensilis i eines | 255 | 1.455 | 18.609 | 20.319 |
Manipular objectes petits amb les mans i els dits | 0 | 1.725 | 17.431 | 19.156 |
Deambular sense mitjà de transport | 906 | 2.824 | 27.207 | 30.938 |
Desplaçar-se en transport públic | 0 | 765 | 35.390 | 36.155 |
Conduir vehicle propi | 305 | 1.607 | 34.720 | 36.631 |
Rentar-se sol: netejar-se i tenir cura de si mateix | 0 | 0 | 11.354 | 11.354 |
Controlar les seves necessitats i utilitzar sol el servei | 101 | 0 | 5.466 | 5.566 |
Vestir-se i desvestir-se i compondre's | 0 | 0 | 10.156 | 10.156 |
Menjar i beure | 0 | 0 | 3.995 | 3.995 |
Compres i control dels subministraments i serveis | 289 | 770 | 31.769 | 32.828 |
Tenir cura dels àpats | 0 | 0 | 15.434 | 15.434 |
Neteja i cura de la roba | 0 | 240 | 18.339 | 18.578 |
Neteja i manteniment de la casa | 1.872 | 2.604 | 28.121 | 32.597 |
Tenir cura del benestar de la resta de la família | 0 | 0 | 17.769 | 17.769 |
Mantenir relacions d'afecte amb familiars | 0 | 0 | 5.168 | 5.168 |
Fer nous amics i mantenir l'amistat | 54 | 150 | 10.484 | 10.688 |
Relacionar-se amb companys, caps... | 0 | 150 | 13.238 | 13.387 |
Total | 33.599 | 18.721 | 60.027 | 112.347 |
Unitats: Milers de persones. | ||||
Font: Idescat. | ||||
Nota: Una mateixa persona pot estar en més d'una categoria de discapacitat. |
Available tables [+]
Basic characteristics of disabled people
- Population of 6 or more years with disability. By age groups
- Population of 6 to 64 years with a disability. By age groups and disability groups
- Population of 6 to 64 years with a disability. Men. By age groups and disability groups
- Population of 6 to 64 years with a disability. Women. By age groups and disability groups
- Population aged 6 to 64 years with a disability. By age groups and disability groups
- Population aged 6 to 64 years with a disability. Men. By age and disability groups
- Population aged 6 to 64 years with a disability. Women. By age groups and disability groups
- Population of 6 to 64 years with a disability. By sex, age groups and province
- Population aged 6 to 64 years with a disability. By sex, age groups and province
- Population of 6 to 64 years with a disability. By number and type of disability
- Population of 6 to 64 years with a disability. Men. By number and type of disability
- Population of 6 to 64 years with a disability. Women. By number and type of disability
- Population of 6 to 64 years with disability. By number of disabilities and province
- Population of 6 to 64 years with disability. Men. By number of disabilities and province
- Population of 6 to 64 years with disability. Women. By number of disabilities and province
- Population of 10 to 64 years with a disability. By sex and level of completed studies
- Population of 10 to 64 years with a disability. By level of completed studies and province
- Population of 6 to 64 years with a disability. By sex and level of completed studies of main supporter
- Population of 6 to 64 years with a disability. By province and level of completed studies of main supporter
- Population of 6 to 64 years with a disability. By sex and relation with activity of main supporter
- Population of 6 to 64 years with a disability. By province and relation with activity of main supporter
- Population of 6 to 64 years with a disability. By sex and size of household
- Population of 6 to 64 years with a disability. By province and size of household
- Population of 6 to 64 years with a disability. By sex and size of municipality
- Population of 6 to 64 years with a disability. By province and size of municipality
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. By age groups and disability groups
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. Men. By age groups and disability groups
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. Women. By age groups and disability groups
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. By age groups and disability groups
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. Men. By age groups and disability groups
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. Women. By age groups and disability groups
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. By age groups and province
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. Men. By age groups and province
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. Women. By age groups and province
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. By age groups and province
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. Men. By age groups and province
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. Women. By age groups and province
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. By number and type of disability
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. Men. By number and type of disability
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. Women. By number and type of disability
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. By number of disabilities and province
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. Men. By number of disabilities and province
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. Women. By number of disabilities and province
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. By level of completed studies and disability groups
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. Men. By level of completed studies and disability groups
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. Women. By level of completed studies and disability groups
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. By sex and level of completed studies
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. By province and level of completed studies
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. By sex and level of completed studies of main supporter
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. By province and level of completed studies of main supporter
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. By relation with activity of main supporter and sex
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. By relation with activity of main supporter and province
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. By sex and size of household
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. By province and size of household
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. By sex and size of municipality
- Population of 65 years and over with a disability. By province and size of municipality
- Disabled people in a dependent situation
- Economic activity of the disabled person
- Social and health services and aid
- Degree of severity of disabilities
- Description of impairments