The Survey on Living Conditions measures the occurrence and composition of poverty by means of establishing a poverty risk threshold. In addition, it provides information on personal income distribution based on annual net income. Furthermore, it provides data on housing deprivation, limitations due to the daily life activities of the population, housing conditions, a harmonised indicator of the risk of poverty or social exclusion and a well-being indicator according to the degree of overall life satisfaction and trust in other people.
The Living Conditions Survey is an annual statistic harmonised at European level performed jointly by Idescat and the INE. In 2013 there was a change in the time series, because from that moment onwards the administrative registers of the Spanish Central Tax Authority and the Social Security were used to obtain the household income data.
From 2016, Idescat has carried out a sample extension which allows to obtain the dissemination of more reliable results for Catalonia. This operation usually has the collaboration of the Ministry of Social Rights and Inclusion, the Barcelona Metropolitan Area, the Barcelona City Council and the Metròpoli Institute.
With the publication of the 2016 and 2017 surveys, the results for Catalonia are complemented by some of the main indicators for the eight territorial areas, the City of Barcelona and the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona.
(In catalan)
Available tables [+]
- Base 2013
Base 2004
- Distribució personal de la renda
- Risc de pobresa
- Privacions de les llars
- Salut
- Atenció i cura dels nens
Condicions de l'habitatge
- Llars segons el règim de tinença de l'habitatge principal
- Llars segons determinats problemes que pateixen
Llars segons béns d'equipaments que disposen
- Llars segons béns d'equipaments que disposen. Milers
- Llars segons béns d'equipaments que disposen. Percentatge
- Llars per sexe i edat de la persona de referència. Milers
- Llars per sexe i edat de la persona de referència. Percentatge
- Llars per nivell de formació de la persona de referència. Milers
- Llars per nivell de formació de la persona de referència. Percentatge
- Llars per nacionalitat de la persona de referència. Milers
- Llars per nacionalitat de la persona de referència. Percentatge
- Llars per composició de la llar. Milers
- Llars per composició de la llar. Percentatge
- Llars per trams d'ingressos anuals de l'any anterior. Milers
- Llars per trams d'ingressos anuals de l'any anterior. Percentatge
- Despesa mitjana mensual de l'habitatge
- Risc de pobresa o exclusió social harmonitzada (Taxa AROPE)
In other sections
Basic tables
Basic indicators of Catalonia
European Union indicators
- Income distribution
- Income share of the bottom 40 % of the population
- People at risk of income poverty after social transfers
- People at risk of poverty after social transfers. By citizenship
- People at risk of poverty or social exclusion
- People at risk of poverty or social exclusion. By degree of urbanisation
- In work at-risk-of-poverty rate
- At-risk-of-poverty rate after pensions, before other social transfers. By sex
- Relative median at-risk-of-poverty gap
- Severely materially deprived people
- People suffering from severe material and social deprivation
- People living in households with very low work intensity
- Self-reported unmet need for medical examination and care
- Population having neither a bath, nor a shower, nor indoor flushing toilet in their household by poverty status
- Population unable to keep home adequately warm by poverty status
- People with good or very good perceived health
- Severe housing deprivation rate by poverty status
- Housing cost overburden rate by poverty status
- Population living in a dwelling with a leaking roof, damp walls, floors or foundation or rot in window frames of floor
- Overcrowding rate by poverty status
- Population living in households considering that they suffer from noise by poverty status
- Population reporting occurrence of crime, violence or vandalism in their area by poverty status
Statistical Yearbook of Catalonia
- Households that receive social benefits. By type of benefit
- Average annual net income of households
- Average annual net income of households. By areas and metropolitan peripheries of Barcelona
- Poverty threshold risk. By household composition
- At-risk-of-poverty rate. By sex and age groups
- At-risk-of-poverty rate. By composition of household