The Business Climate Survey is a quarterly statistical operation that collects the opinions of company representatives with activities in Catalonia, regarding the evolution and expectations for a set of variables relating to the economic development of their company.
The main objective of these statistics is to detect changing trends in the economic cycle in a fast, flexible way on the basis of information supplied by companies.
These statistics, which are produced jointly by Idescat and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, present quarterly results for the industrial, construction, trade, accommodation and food service activities and other services sectors.
Idescat publishes the results for each of the sectors disaggregated by size of company and by activity branches, apart from the accommodation and food service activities and construction sectors. In the case of the accommodation and food service activities sector, the results are also published by tourist regions.
The information obtained from the Business Climate Survey also allows the calculation of the Harmonized Business Confidence Index, an operation conducted jointly with National Statistical Institute (INE) by means of a collaboration agreement.
Each quarter, as well as the basic questions to identify the situation and evolution of the business in a given period, the Survey questionnaire compiles information on useful areas of the entrepreneurial environment in the Section on the Current Entrepreneurial Situation.
Available tables [+]
- Industry
- Construction
- Trade
- Accommodation and food service activities
- Other services
- Total Catalonia
Section on the Current Entrepreneurial Situation
- Administrative processing (Q4/2024)
- Gender equality in the entrepreneurial environment (Q3/2024)
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) (Q2/2024)
- Environmental, social and corporate governance measures (ESG) (Q1/2024)
- Cybersecurity (Q4/2023)
- Labour reform and hiring difficulties (Q3/2023)
- Vocational education and business (Q2/2023)
- European Recovery Funds and armed conflict (Q1/2023)
- Supply chain difficulties and impact of the war between Russia and Ukraine (Q4/2022)
- Energy prices and energy efficiency (Q3/2022)
- Supply chain difficulties and impact of the war between Russia and Ukraine (Q2/2022)
- European Recovery Funds and armed conflict (Q1/2022)
- Impact on business activity of the Covid-19 health crisis (Q1/2022)
- Dificultats amb els aprovisionaments (T4/2021)
- Impacte en l'activitat empresarial de la crisi sanitària de la covid-19 (T4/2021)
- Impacte en l'activitat empresarial de la crisi sanitària de la covid-19 (T3/2021)
- Contractació de nou personal; universitat i empresa (T2/2021)
- Impacte en l'activitat empresarial de la crisi sanitària de la covid-19 (T2/2021)
- Impacte en l'activitat empresarial de la crisi sanitària de la covid-19 (T1/2021)
- Impacte en l'activitat empresarial de la crisi sanitària de la covid-19 (T4/2020)
- Impacte en l'activitat empresarial de la crisi sanitària de la covid-19 (T3/2020)
- Impacte en l'activitat empresarial de la crisi sanitària de la covid-19 (T2/2020)
- Impacte en l'activitat empresarial de la crisi sanitària de la covid-19 (T1/2020)
- Formació professional i empresa (T4/2019)
- Increment del salari mínim el 2019 (T3/2019)
- Productivitat i finançament (T2/2019)
- Objectius de desenvolupament sostenible (ODS) (T1/2019)
- Condicions laborals i mesures d'organització i gestió (T4/2018)
- Igualtat de gènere a l'empresa (T3/2018)
- Tramitació administrativa (T2/2018)
- Relació universitat i empresa (T1/2018)
In other sections