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Population at 1 January. By sex and age in large groups

Population at 1 January. By sex and age in large groups
Pallaresos, els
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Population at 1 January. By sex and age in large groups Pallaresos, els
Males Females Total
From 0 to 14 years From 15 to 64 years 65 years and over From 0 to 14 years From 15 to 64 years 65 years and over From 0 to 14 years From 15 to 64 years 65 years and over
2022 474 1,743 260 408 1,727 318 882 3,470 578
2021 481 1,713 247 428 1,698 305 909 3,411 552
2020 489 1,684 250 460 1,649 318 949 3,333 568
2019 503 1,664 237 479 1,598 296 982 3,262 533
2018 520 1,644 220 489 1,579 287 1,009 3,223 507
2017 533 1,602 213 479 1,543 265 1,012 3,145 478
2016 544 1,587 191 497 1,530 248 1,041 3,117 439
2015 545 1,562 191 506 1,496 247 1,051 3,058 438
2014 551 1,560 172 525 1,468 203 1,076 3,028 375
2013 552 1,540 160 533 1,479 186 1,085 3,019 346
2012 552 1,532 147 514 1,467 175 1,066 2,999 322
2011 538 1,503 139 497 1,427 161 1,035 2,930 300
2010 506 1,485 135 486 1,365 149 992 2,850 284
2009 490 1,436 127 459 1,340 139 949 2,776 266
2008 458 1,389 114 444 1,300 123 902 2,689 237
2007 403 1,297 115 399 1,208 116 802 2,505 231
2006 378 1,245 104 360 1,143 116 738 2,388 220
2005 350 1,185 93 316 1,089 111 666 2,274 204
2004 334 1,118 88 317 1,040 103 651 2,158 191
2003 319 1,057 79 281 983 92 600 2,040 171
2002 303 1,046 83 261 975 93 564 2,021 176
2001 289 1,019 75 239 949 93 528 1,968 168
2000 266 977 65 235 913 81 501 1,890 146
Source: Idescat, based on INE Continuous Population Register.

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