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EULP Survey on Language Uses of the Population

The main objective of the Survey is to learn about the language or languages of identification and the uses of Catalan and other languages in interpersonal domain among the population aged 15 years and over in Catalonia.

It also aims to obtain information on knowledge of languages (Catalan, Spanish, English or French, in particular) and to find out about the population's language attitudes and opinions regarding the use of Catalan. Likewise, the Survey measures the use and knowledge of Aranese Occitan.

The Survey on Language Use of the Population is an official five-year statistical action performed by the Idescat and the Ministry of Language Policy.

The data corresponding to the EULP 2023 refer to basic indicators for Catalonia. In July 2025 the results of this edition will be expanded, and further territorial detail will be published: in particular, for the territorial Plan, Aran Area, the city of Barcelona and certain demolinguistic areas such as L'Alt Pirineu and the counties belonging to the Metropolitan Area (with greater disaggregation for El Barcelonès and El Baix Llobregat).

Geographical area: Barcelona

Selection by geographic level

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