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Municipal distribution. 2023 Priorat Geographical origin: Western Africa
Foreign population of selected origin
(1) Foreign population total % vert. % of (1)
Masroig, el 95 9 16.07 9.47
Falset 433 8 14.29 1.85
Porrera 26 7 12.50 26.92
Capçanes 32 6 10.71 18.75
Poboleda 30 5 8.93 16.67
Bisbal de Montsant, la 20 5 8.93 25.00
Molar, el 47 4 7.14 8.51
Other municipalities 516 12 21.43 2.33
Priorat 1,199 56 100.00 4.67
Source: Idescat, based on the INE's Continuous Population Census.

Selection of place of residence or geographical origin

Place of residence
Geographical origin