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Distribution by countries of the subcontinent

Distribution by countries of the subcontinent. 2024 Noguera
Men Women National population % of total foreign population in the county % of country's total population in Catalonia
Romania 1,070 1,020 2,090 26.97 2.43
Morocco 968 711 1,679 21.67 0.70
Senegal 697 151 848 10.94 3.24
Gambia, the 387 65 452 5.83 2.71
Colombia 193 232 425 5.48 0.45
Bulgaria 147 146 293 3.78 2.78
Brazil 99 140 239 3.08 1.02
Ukraine 91 126 217 2.80 0.49
Mali 74 37 111 1.43 1.32
Algeria 67 36 103 1.33 0.95
Venezuela 40 56 96 1.24 0.21
Pakistan 57 25 82 1.06 0.14
Guinea 56 19 75 0.97 1.96
Honduras 23 45 68 0.88 0.11
Portugal 37 29 66 0.85 0.42
China 37 29 66 0.85 0.10
Peru 26 35 61 0.79 0.12
Moldova 29 25 54 0.70 1.28
Poland 21 32 53 0.68 0.48
Guinea-Bissau 44 6 50 0.65 5.90
Italy 26 23 49 0.63 0.06
Ghana 37 11 48 0.62 0.59
Chile 17 20 37 0.48 0.31
Argentina 14 22 36 0.46 0.10
Ecuador 16 16 32 0.41 0.13
Cuba 11 20 31 0.40 0.28
Rusia 5 22 27 0.35 0.08
India 14 10 24 0.31 0.08
France 14 8 22 0.28 0.06
Belarus 10 11 21 0.27 0.84
Mauritania 16 4 20 0.26 1.26
United Kingdom 7 11 18 0.23 0.08
Bolivia .. .. 17 0.22 0.08
Dominican Republic 6 10 16 0.21 0.09
Côte d'Ivoire .. .. 15 0.19 1.55
Germany 7 7 14 0.18 0.07
Slovakia .. .. 14 0.18 1.01
Nigeria 7 7 14 0.18 0.22
Mexico 6 6 12 0.15 0.14
Andorra .. .. 11 0.14 1.20
Egypt 6 5 11 0.14 0.62
Ireland .. .. 10 0.13 0.28
Uruguay 4 6 10 0.13 0.12
Netherlands .. .. 9 0.12 0.09
Lithuania 4 5 9 0.12 0.38
Georgia .. .. 8 0.10 0.08
Paraguay .. .. 8 0.10 0.04
Albania .. .. 6 0.08 0.18
Bosnia and Herzegovina .. .. 6 0.08 1.74
Bangladesh .. .. 6 0.08 0.07
El Salvador .. .. 5 0.06 0.06
Nicaragua .. .. 5 0.06 0.11
Philippines .. .. 5 0.06 0.04
Estonia .. .. 4 0.05 0.76
Japan .. .. 4 0.05 0.17
Lebanon .. .. 4 0.05 0.38
Other countries 15 17 32 0.41 ..
Country unknown 1 0 1 0.01 ..
Total 4,479 3,270 7,749 100.00 ..
Source: Idescat, based on the INE's Continuous Population Census.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.
Place of residence
Geographical origin