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Distribution by continents

Distribution by continents. 2018 Moianès
Men Women Total % of total foreign population % of continent's foreign population
Europe 154 134 288 28.21 100,00
European Union (28) 135 99 234 22.92 81.25
Central and eastern Europe 16 31 47 4.60 16.32
Rest of Europe .. .. 7 0.69 2.43
Country unknown .. .. .. .. ..
Africa 209 79 288 28.21 100,00
Eastern Africa .. .. 4 0.39 1.39
Middle Africa .. .. .. .. ..
Nothern Africa 28 32 60 5.88 20.83
Southern Africa .. .. .. .. ..
Western Africa 180 43 223 21.84 77.43
Country unknown .. .. .. .. ..
America 125 153 278 27.23 100,00
Northern America 5 4 9 0.88 3.24
Central America 8 17 25 2.45 8.99
Caribbean .. .. 10 0.98 3.60
South America 109 125 234 22.92 84.17
Country unknown .. .. .. .. ..
Asia 99 67 166 16.26 100,00
Central Asia .. .. 9 0.88 5.42
Eastern Asia 18 15 33 3.23 19.88
Southern Asia 74 45 119 11.66 71.69
South-Eastern Asia .. .. .. .. ..
Middle East .. .. 5 0.49 3.01
Country unknown .. .. .. .. ..
Oceania .. .. .. .. 100,00
Australia and New Zealand .. .. .. .. ..
Rest of Oceania .. .. .. .. ..
Country unknown .. .. .. .. ..
Stateless .. .. .. .. ..
Total 588 433 1,021 100.00 ..
Source: Idescat, based on the INE's Continuous Population Register.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.

Selection of place of residence

Place of residence