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Names and Surnames of the Population. 2023

Antonio and José, for men, and Maria/María and Montserrat, for women, are the most common given names among the population living in Catalonia in 2023.

By counties, Antonio is the most frequent male name in El Baix Llobregat (28.22‰) and El Vallès Occidental (28.10‰), while the counties where it is less frequent are El Pla de l'Estany (8.69‰) and El Montsià (11.65‰). Despite being the most used name since 1960, it has experienced a progressive decrease in the Catalan population.

As for female names, Maria/María stands out in El Priorat (37.53‰) and El Ripollès (34.63‰), and it is less common in El Montsià (17.18‰) and El Baix Ebre (15.60‰) . In this case, the frequency of the name has decreased since 1960, although it peaked in the year 2000.


As for surnames, Garcia/García, Martínez, López and Sánchez are at the top of the list..

Information on the frequency of the names and surnames of men and women living in Catalonia is available. This query can be done according to the order of frequency of the most common names and surnames. A specific query of any name or surname is also available, as well as its frequency level among the entire population.

The information on names and surnames is presented by province, areas of the Territorial Plan and counties. In the case of names, information on the decade of birth and nationality is only provided for the whole of Catalonia.