Statistics on Commuting for University Studies. SY 2022/23
In the school year 2022/2023, 76.3% of the 171,335 university students residing in Catalonia studied outside their municipality of residence.
With regard to the areas of the Territorial Plan, there is a strong variation in the percentage of students who studied in the same area of the Territorial Plan where they lived, which is explained by the location of the university education centres in Catalonia. Thus, most of the students residing in the Metropolitan Area (93.5%) studied in the same area as they lived in. In an intermediate situation were the students residing in El Camp de Tarragona (59.5%), in Ponent (59.4%) and in the Girona Counties (54.8%). Finally, the percentage of students who studied in the same area as they lived in was lowest among students living in the Central Counties (27.1%), Les Terres de l'Ebre (16.1%) and El Penedès (8.7%). In L'Alt Pirineu i Aran there are no university education centres, so the 1,240 university students who lived there were enrolled to study in centres outside this area.
For a detailed analysis of the mobility of students from all the municipalities in Catalonia, see the Extended intermunicipal and inter-county results.