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Labour Cost Statistics. 2023

The total gross labour cost per worker was 38,965.23 euros in Catalonia in 2023, which represents an increase of 5.6% compared to 2022, according to the Annual Labour Cost Survey. By sector, the gross labour cost increased in construction (7.9%), industry (6.6%) and services (5.2%). By branch, the highest year-over-year increases in gross labour costs occurred in manufacture of basic metals (9.6%), accommodation and food service activities (8.1%), administrative and support service activities (8.0%), construction (7.9%) and transportation and storage (7.4%).

The wage cost increased by 4.8% in 2023 compared to a year ago. By sector, it increased by 7.8% in construction, by 6.1% in industry and by 4.3% in services.

By item, 73.7% of the annual gross labour cost per worker corresponded to wage cost (28,724.78 euros), 23.7% to compulsory Social Security contributions (9,239.34 euros) and 2.6% to the remaining items (1,001.11 euros).

By unit size, the gross labour cost per worker increased by 4.5% in units with 1 to 49 workers, 6.5% in units with 50 to 199 workers and 5.7% in those with 200 workers or more.