Centenarian Population Estimate. 2021
The estimated centenarian population of Catalonia was 2,280 people on 1 January 2021. This figure represents an increase of 4.8% over the previous year.
In the last 10 years, the number of centenarians went from 1,350 people in 2011 to 2,280 people in 2021. As for people aged 105 or over, in 2011 in Catalonia there were 65 people, and in 2021, 130.
Approximately two-thirds of centenarians (66%) were 100 or 101 years old, and one-third (34%) were 102 or older. Women accounted for 84% of the centenarian population.
The data for the 2003-2020 period have been updated following the release of the 2021 data.