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Idescat. Department of Economy and Society (18)

Survey on Water Treatment and Supply

Code: 011/2013

Purpose of file: Quantifying in physical units and assessing in economic units the integral water cycle, which is composed of water supply and of sanitation processes (sewerage and waste water purification).

Universe of study: Water distribution and purification companies

Number of records or units in the file: 57

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Mail survey

Transfers: 0

Survey on the Generation of Industrial Waste

Code: 007/2013

Purpose of file: Quantifying the total amount of waste generated by the industrial sector. Waste are classified according the type, the hazard level and the economic activity generating them.

Universe of study: Industrial establishment carrying out economic activities

Number of records or units in the file: 1,423

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Mail survey

Transfers: 0

Survey on the Generation of Waste in the Services Sector

Code: 006/2013

Purpose of file: Quantifying the total amount of waste generated by the services sector.

Universe of study: Companies carrying out activities covered in CCAE-2009 classification

Number of records or units in the file: 1,144

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Mail survey

Transfers: 0

Living Conditions and Habits of the Population Survey

Code: 008/2013

Purpose of file: Knowing the life conditions and habits of the population of Catalonia from a longitudinal and cross-sectional perspective and on the basis of its territorial distribution also.

Universe of study: Population dwelling in households

Number of records or units in the file: 10,604

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Face-to-face survey

Transfers: 10
Code Research institute Date of the transfer
008/2013/001 Rovira i Virgili University 08/11/2013
008/2013/002 Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore 17/06/2013
008/2013/003 Barcelona Public Health Agency 14/02/2014
008/2013/004 Barcelona Public Health Agency 17/04/2014
008/2013/005 Centre for Demographic Studies (CED) 23/06/2014
008/2013/006 Autonomous University of Barcelona 24/07/2014
008/2013/007 Pere Tarrés Foundation 23/03/2015
008/2013/008 Delft University of Technology 22/09/2015
008/2013/009 Autonomous University of Barcelona 09/12/2016
008/2013/010 Autonomous University of Barcelona 05/09/2017

Use of Time Survey

Code: 034/2012

Purpose of file: Statistical treatment, exploitation of data, dissemination and analysis of data concerning the second edition of the Survey on the Use of Time of the population of Catalonia, enabling us to know periodically the features of its distribution and providing suitable information for further stastistical, economic and social research.

Universe of study: Population aged 10 years or over dwelling in family homes in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 6,500

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Face-to-face survey

Transfers: 3
Code Research institute Date of the transfer
034/2012/001 Autonomous University of Barcelona 04/12/2013
034/2012/002 Autonomous University of Barcelona 23/06/2014
034/2012/003 Pompeu Fabra University 09/12/2016

Library Survey

Code: 033/2012

Purpose of file: Knowing the basic features of the structure, the equipment, the activity and the stuff of the network of libraries of Catalonia.

Universe of study: Libraries of Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 900

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Living Conditions Survey

Code: 025/2012

Purpose of file: Specifical exploitation of data for Catalonia of the INE’s Living Conditions Survey in order to periodically obtain statistical information about the distribution of income among the population and the levels of risk of falling into poverty situations.

Universe of study: People and households in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 1,500

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Face-to-face survey

Transfers: 0

Household Budget Survey

Code: 027/2012

Purpose of file: Specifical exploitation of data for Catalonia of the INE’s Household Budget Survey in order to periodically obtain statistical information about household’s consumption expenditure.

Universe of study: Households and people in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 2,000

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Face-to-face survey

Transfers: 0

Survey on Water Use in the Agricultural Sector

Code: 010/2013

Purpose of file: Quantifying the volume of water used in irrigation agriculture.

Universe of study: Sets of units whose main activity involve irrigation systems

Number of records or units in the file: 63

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Mail survey

Transfers: 0

Statistics on Financing and Expenditure of Private Education

Code: 010/2012

Purpose of file: Carrying out a survey to collect economic data about regulated school centres of Catalonia. It is an State-level statistical operation, which it is undertook by Idescat in Catalonia. .

Universe of study: Private educational centers in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 1,074

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Online survey

Transfers: 0

Economic Survey on Non-profit Entities of Social Services

Code: 015/2012

Purpose of file: Developing a synthesis of available sources and the field operations needed to develop an integrated approach of the social services establishments sector from an economic perspective.

Universe of study: Social services institutions in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 725

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Online survey

Transfers: 0

Survey on Disability, Personal Autonomy and Dependency Situations

Code: 024/2012

Purpose of file: Specifical exploitation of data for Catalonia of the INE’s Survey on Disability, Personal Autonomy and Dependency Situations in order to get statistical information about people with disabilities, limitations or impairments (and its severity) and dependency situations.

Universe of study: People

Number of records or units in the file: 22,538

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Face-to-face survey

Transfers: 0

Survey on Language Uses of the Population

Code: 008/2014

Purpose of file: Knowing the linguistic self-identificaction of population and the use of Catalan language and another official and non-official languages in Catalonia in different spheres of personal relatioships.

Universe of study: Population aged 15 years or over

Number of records or units in the file: 7,255

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 2
Code Research institute Date of the transfer
008/2014/001 University of Barcelona 28/11/2014
008/2014/002 University of Valencia 13/02/2015

Economic Survey on Social Services Centres

Code: 002/2016

Purpose of file: The main aim of the Social Services Centers Survey is to obtain information on the activity and economic dimension of social services centers: it provides data on activity, capacity, occupied vacancies, employed and voluntary personnel, expenditures and income of the centers, the size of the centers and the legal status.

Universe of study: Companies registred in RESES registry

Number of records or units in the file: 1,248

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Online survey

Transfers: 0

Economic Survey on Social Services Entities

Code: 001/2016

Purpose of file: The main aim of the survey is to obtain information on the activity and economic scale of complementary service centres run by non-profit private institutions in Catalonia: it provides data on activity, capacity, occupied vacancies, employed and voluntary personnel and expenditures and income of the institutions. Information is disaggregated according the main group attended and the number of services provided by the institutions.

Universe of study: Companies registred in RESES registry

Number of records or units in the file: 244

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Online survey

Transfers: 0

Spending Survey of Companies in Environmental Protection

Code: 009/2013

Purpose of file: Evaluating the industrial expenditure on environmental protection, both on current and on investment terms, in order to reduce the air pollutants and noise pollution, as well as the expenditure in sewage treatment and in solid waste treatment and in order to use less polluting raw materials (or make a less intensive use of them).

Universe of study: Industrial sector companies

Number of records or units in the file: 1,420

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Mail survey

Transfers: 0

Economic Survey on Social Services Establishments

Code: 016/2012

Purpose of file: Developing a synthesis of available sources and the field operations needed to develop an integrated approach of the non-profit social services organizations from an economic perspective.

Universe of study: Social services establishments in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 817

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Online survey

Transfers: 0

Agricultural Census

Code: 023/2012

Purpose of file: Processsing and exploitation of the files from the Statistics on Farm Structure of Catalonia by means of a census operation of farms, which allows us to know the structure of the sector and its evolution with respect to the 1999 Agricultural Census, thus obtaining information equivalent and comparable with these required by the European Union.

Universe of study: Agricultural holdings in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 61,000

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Idescat. Department of Business and Labour (38)

Territorial Survey on ICT in Households

Code: 009/2012

Purpose of file: Getting estimates on indicators about equipment and use of ICT in catalan households and territorial estimates of the main indicators within the framework of the small-areas methodology. Final results are homogenized with those get for Catalonia in INE’s ICT in Households Survey.

Universe of study: People aged 16 years or over

Number of records or units in the file: 3,076

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Tourist Expenditure Survey (EGATUR)

Code: 008/2018

Purpose of file: Knowing the expenditure of foreign travellers in Catalonia.

Universe of study: Foreign visitors

Number of records or units in the file: 1,887

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Face-to-face survey

Transfers: 0

Survey of the Sales Index in Large Stores

Code: 011/2012

Purpose of file: Getting an monthly indicator of the evolution of sales volume in retailers defined as non-specialized superstores (sales area with a size of 2500 m² or more) operating in Catalonia. .

Universe of study: Commercial establishments

Number of records or units in the file: 60

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Annual Survey of Trade

Code: 005/2012

Purpose of file: Knowing the most rellevant magnitudes of the trade sector.

Universe of study: Commercial sector companies

Number of records or units in the file: 8,137

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Business Climate Survey

Code: 007/2012

Purpose of file: Gathering opinions from business representatives of establishments with activity in Catalonia on the evolution and expectations of a set of variables affecting their own business development .

Universe of study: Establishments with activity in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 3,141

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Innovation in Companies Survey

Code: 020/2012

Purpose of file: Knowing the number of innovative companies, the intensity of the innovation, the spending in innovation and other variables related with the innovative process in companies.

Universe of study: Agricultural, industrial, construction and services companies with 10 employees or more

Number of records or units in the file: 6,042

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 1
Code Research institute Date of the transfer
020/2012/001 Rovira i Virgili University 28/11/2014

Statistics on RD activities

Code: 019/2012

Purpose of file: Knowing the human resources, funding and spending in R+D in the diferent institutional and economic sectors.

Universe of study: Companies, public bodies, universities and non-profit private instituations carrying out RD activities

Number of records or units in the file: 6,596

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Industrial Survey of Companies

Code: 017/2012

Purpose of file: Knowing the most rellevant magnitudes of the diferent industrial sectors.

Universe of study: Industrial companies with employees

Number of records or units in the file: 6,729

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Survey on the Use of ICT and e-Commerce in Companies

Code: 021/2012

Purpose of file: Survey on the use of ICT and e-commerce in companies.

Universe of study: Companies with employees with headquarters located in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 2,719

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Short-term Retail Trade Survey

Code: 008/2012

Purpose of file: Developing some indicators that allows us measuring short-term evolution of the activity in the retail sector.

Universe of study: Retail stores

Number of records or units in the file: 1,310

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Service sector activity indicators

Code: 007/2024

Purpose of file: The Service Sector Activity Indicators (IASS) are short-term indicators that measure the short-term evolution of the activity of companies operating in the services sector in Catalonia: the service sector business turnover index (IASSVN) and the production index of the service sector (IPROSS)..

Universe of study: Companies

Number of records or units in the file: 5,086

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Industry turnover index

Code: 008/2024

Purpose of file: The industry turnover index (IVNI) is a short-term indicator that measures the short-term evolution of the demand from companies that operate in the industrial sector of Catalonia through the variable turnover..

Universe of study: Establishments

Number of records or units in the file: 1,761

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Rural Tourist Accommodation Occupancy Survey

Code: 014/2012

Purpose of file: Knowing the number of tourists, overnight stays and the occupancy rate of rural tourism establishments in Catalonia.

Universe of study: Rural tourism establishments in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 1,969

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Economically Active Population Survey

Code: 004/2013

Purpose of file: Conducting a quarterly and anual exploitation of data for Catalonia of the INE’s Economically Active Population Survey and having a data base with series of economicallly active, employed, unemployed and inactive population as well as their features.

Universe of study: Population dwelling in family homes in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 17,072

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Industrial Products Survey

Code: 018/2012

Purpose of file: Knowing the industrial output of Catalonia in physical and monetary units with a high degree of disaggregation by products (PRODCOM).

Universe of study: Industrial establishments covering 90% of 4-digits CCAE classification items

Number of records or units in the file: 11,500

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Annual Survey of Services

Code: 006/2012

Purpose of file: Knowing the most rellevant magnitudes of the services sector.

Universe of study: Service sector companies

Number of records or units in the file: 18,263

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Economically Active Population Survey. Year 2010. Concilitation Between Working Life and Family Life

Code: 030/2012

Purpose of file: Knowing the work-life balance of the population of Catalonia between 16 and 64.

Universe of study: Population aged 16-64 dwelling in family homes in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 10,308

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Economically Active Population Survey. Year 2011. Health Problems and their Bearing on Employment.

Code: 031/2012

Purpose of file: Knowing the health status of the population between 16 and 64 in Catalonia in the impact in the labour market.

Universe of study: Population aged 16-64 dwelling in family homes in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 10,060

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Annual Labour Cost Survey

Code: 005/2013

Purpose of file: Estimation of the cost of the workforce and its components by doing an specific exploitation of data of the available statistical information.

Universe of study: Industrial, construction and services contribution accounts

Number of records or units in the file: 3,500

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Economically Active Population Survey. Wage Decile Variable

Code: 032/2012

Purpose of file: Knowing the distribution of wage of the workforce líving in family dwelings in Catalonia.

Universe of study: Working population dwelling in family homes in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 3,400

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Quarterly Labour Cost Survey

Code: 029/2012

Purpose of file: Specifical exploitation of data for Catalonia of INE’s Quarterly Labour Cost Survey and the Annual Labour Cost Survey, both of State-level, in order to periodically obtain statistical information about the cost of the workforce, considering the labour costs per worker per month and per year, and the disaggregation of its components.

Universe of study: Industrial, construction and services contribution accounts

Number of records or units in the file: 3,500

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Quality of Life at Work Survey

Code: 028/2012

Purpose of file: Knowing the working conditions, the quality of working life and other features of the workplace regarding the workforce population by means of an specifical survey using a representative sample of this population within the framework of the State-level survey conducted by the Ministry of Labor and Migrations, and another direct survey operations regarding accidents at work and labor risk prevention.

Universe of study: Working population dwelling in family homes in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 2,200

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Campsite Occupancy Survey

Code: 012/2012

Purpose of file: Knowing the number of tourists, overnight stays and the occupancy rate of campsites in Catalonia.

Universe of study: Campsites in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 355

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Hotel Occupancy Survey

Code: 013/2012

Purpose of file: Knowing the number of tourists, overnight stays and the occupancy rate of hotels in Catalonia.

Universe of study: Hotel establishments in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 2,806

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Wage Structure Statistics

Code: 001/2019

Purpose of file: Specifical exploitation of data for Catalonia of the INE’s Wage Structure Survey in order to periodically obtain statistical information on levels, composition and structure of the wages of employees. Indicators about wages’ distribution and inequality are also developed.

Universe of study: Industrial, construction and services contribution accounts

Number of records or units in the file: 32,898

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Residents Travel Survey (ETR)

Code: 009/2018

Purpose of file: Knowing the behavior of travels made by catalans and the travels to Catalonia of people from the rest of Spain.

Universe of study: Travels made by catalans and travels of people from rest of Spain to Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 3,003

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Structural Business Statistics in the Industrial Sector

Code: 003/2019

Purpose of file: Specifical exploitation of data for Catalonia of the Statistics on Employment of Persons with Disabilities. It is a yearly-INE’s statistic and its main aim is to obtain information about the relation with the labor market of 16-64 years old population with a recognised degree of disability and the like, líving in main family dwellings.

Universe of study: Companies whose main activity is in the industrial sector (sections B,C,D and E from the CCAE-2009 classification)

Number of records or units in the file: 13,234

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Business Confidence Indicators

Code: 010/2019

Purpose of file: Synthesis of the entrepreneurs’ opinion on current and future situation of their business in order to foresee the evolution of the economy.

Universe of study: Establishments

Number of records or units in the file: 3,159

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Energy Consumption Survey

Code: 004/2019

Purpose of file: Specifical exploitation of data for Catalonia of INE’s Energy Consumption Survey in order to know the features of energy consumption made by firms of the extractive and manufacturing industries. It takes place every two years.

Universe of study: Companies with 20 employees or over whose main activity is covered by section B and C of CCAE-2009 classification

Number of records or units in the file: 1,383

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Employment Statistics on People with Disabilities

Code: 002/2019

Purpose of file: Specifical exploitation of data for Catalonia of the Statistics on Employment of Persons with Disabilities. It is a yearly-INE’s statistic and its main aim is to obtain information about the relation with the labor market of 16-64 years old population with a recognised degree of disability and the like, líving in main family dwellings.

Universe of study: People aged 16-64 years with a degree of disability and dwelling in primary dwellings.

Number of records or units in the file: 66,045

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Structural Business Statistics in the Trade Sector

Code: 005/2019

Purpose of file: Specifical exploitation of data for Catalonia of INE’s Structural Business Survey: Services Sector in order to know the structural features and estimate the most rellevant main aggregates in the sector. Estimations are presented with a high degree of sectorial disaggregation. It takes place every two years.

Universe of study: Companies whose main activity is in trade sector (section G of CCAE-2009 classification).

Number of records or units in the file: 9,112

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Statistics on Products in the Services Sector

Code: 006/2019

Purpose of file: Structural survey addressed to transport companies (travellers and goods in each of its modules), hotels and the like (with 50 employees or more), IT services, legal and accounting services, technical services, advertising and market studies, the activity of placement agencies, travel agencies and tour operators (with 20 employees or more) and cleaning activities. Data exploitation of 18 modules allowing us to know the specific features of each of the activities comprising the services sector, thereby carrying out a more accurate sectorial analysis of each economic activity within the sector. .

Universe of study: Service sector companies from 18 activity areas studied in different modules.

Number of records or units in the file: 5,184

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Tourist Movement on Borders Survey (FRONTUR)

Code: 007/2018

Purpose of file: Knowing the behavior of foreign travellers coming to Catalonia.

Universe of study: Foreign visitors

Number of records or units in the file: 18,000

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Face-to-face survey

Transfers: 0

Structural Business Statistics in the Services Sector

Code: 008/2019

Purpose of file: Specifical exploitation of data for Catalonia of INE’s Structural Business Survey: Market Services Sector in order to know the structural features and estimate the main agreggates of the sector. Estimations are presented with a high degree of sectorial disagreggation. It takes place every year.

Universe of study: Companies whose main activity is in market services sector, except for the case of sections G, K and T of CCAE-2009 classification.

Number of records or units in the file: 12,754

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Statistics on Products in the Trade Sector

Code: 007/2019

Purpose of file: Structural survey addressed to firms devoted to activities related with sales, maintenance and reparation of motor vehicles and motorcycles, whosesale and retail trade (fuel retailers for motor vehicles and trade intermediaries’ activities are also included). Data exploitation of 3 modules, thereby obtaining a detailed disaggregation of each of the activities within the turnover according the products sold and the type of customer.

Universe of study: Companies whose main activity is in trade sector (section G of CCAE-2009 classification).

Number of records or units in the file: 9,112

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Intermediate Consumption Survey

Code: 009/2019

Purpose of file: Survey addressed to a sample of establishments with activity in Catalonia in order to know in detail their purchases and external services. This information is essential to develop the Input-Output Tables for Catalonia 2011. Results are integrated in the Input-Output Framework.

Universe of study: Companies in Catalonia (census-based, only those with more than 100 employees).

Number of records or units in the file: 4,861

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Online survey

Transfers: 0

Survey on ICT Equipment and Use in Households

Code: 022/2012

Purpose of file: Specifical exploitation of data for Catalonia of the INE’s Equipment and Use of ICT in Households within the framework of a cooperation agreement between Idescat and INE.

Universe of study: People aged 16 years or over

Number of records or units in the file: 1,538

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Economically Active Population Survey. Annual Subsample Variables

Code: 026/2012

Purpose of file: Knowing the work conditions and the level of training of the workforce.

Universe of study: People dwelling in family homes in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 10,000

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Idescat. Department of Population and Territory (25)

Divorces, Separations and Annulments

Code: 002/2012

Purpose of file: Statistical exploitation of data of Divorces, Separations and Annulments File from the sentences' bulletins stated by Courts.

Universe of study: Marital break-ups of population resident in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 15,000

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Direct collection using a statistical form for a procedure

Transfers: 1
Code Research institute Date of the transfer
002/2012/001 Pompeu Fabra University 22/09/2015

Statistics of essential characteristics of the population and housing

Code: 003/2024

Purpose of file: Prepare tabulations of the variables related to the population, households and housing.

Universe of study: People living in main homes

Number of records or units in the file: 49,120

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Statistics of essential characteristics of the population and housing. Houses

Code: 005/2024

Purpose of file: Prepare the tabulations of the variables relating to households and housing.

Universe of study: Main family homes

Number of records or units in the file: 19,934

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Population and housing census 2021. People

Code: 002/2024

Purpose of file: Prepare the tabulations of the variables relating to the population and households.

Universe of study: Resident population in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 7,749,896

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Other

Transfers: 0

Population and housing census 2021. Housing

Code: 001/2024

Purpose of file: Prepare the tabulations of the variables relating to family homes.

Universe of study: Main and non-main family homes

Number of records or units in the file: 3,915,127

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Other

Transfers: 0

Statistics of essential characteristics of the population and housing. Adults

Code: 004/2024

Purpose of file: Prepare the tabulations of the variables relating to the adult population.

Universe of study: Adult population residing in main homes

Number of records or units in the file: 41,543

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Continuous register

Code: 003/2022

Purpose of file: To btain the distribution of the population by place of residence, sex, age, nationality and plac.

Universe of study: The entire population resident in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 7,783,302

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Other

Transfers: 0

Register of Spanish people residing abroad

Code: 001/2022

Purpose of file: Get the distribution of the population by place of residence, place of registration, sex, age and.

Universe of study: People of Spanish nationality who usually live abroad

Number of records or units in the file: 357,011

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Other

Transfers: 0

Acquisitions of Spanish nationality

Code: 002/2022

Purpose of file: Provide demographic information of people with habitual residence in Catalonia who have acquired .

Universe of study: People with habitual residence in Catalonia who have acquired the Spanish nationality

Number of records or units in the file: 35,058

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Other

Transfers: 0

Migrations and changes of residence

Code: 006/2024

Purpose of file: Exploitation of the migration statistical file, corresponding to registrations and cancellations due to changes of residence registered in the municipal registers and in the Population Census, with the change date of the reference year. The results of migratory flows are provided according to their origin and destination (Catalonia, rest of Spain and abroad)..

Universe of study: People who change residence between municipalities of Catalonia, with the rest of Spain, abroad or within the municipality

Number of records or units in the file: 769,000

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Direct collection using a statistical form for a procedure

Transfers: 0

Annual population census

Code: 010/2024

Purpose of file: To prepare the tabulations of the variables relating to the population..

Universe of study: Resident population in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 7,901,963

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Other

Transfers: 0

Residential Variations

Code: 004/2012

Purpose of file: Exploitation of data from the Residential Variation Register and from the catalan internal migratory flows, migratory flows from the rest of Spain and International migratory flows, thus continuing with the data disgragreation and tabulation works.

Universe of study: Residence variation done by population resident in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 300,000

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Direct collection using a statistical form for a procedure

Transfers: 1
Code Research institute Date of the transfer
004/2012/001 University of Lleida 12/02/2014


Code: 003/2012

Purpose of file: Exploitation of data from the Statistical Marriages Bulletin and its main demographical features.

Universe of study: Marriages held in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 28,000

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Direct collection using a statistical form for a procedure

Transfers: 0

Population and Housing Census. Year 2011. Base Population

Code: 032/2013

Purpose of file: Developing basic tabulations on population and housing in Catalonia (sex, age, nacionality, nature and counting factor).

Universe of study: Population dwelling in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 7,631,488

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Continuous Household Survey

Code: 010/2014

Purpose of file: Updating variables concerning population, households and dwellings.

Universe of study: Households of Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 16,030

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Housing and Population Census. Year 2011. Surveyed Population.

Code: 009/2014

Purpose of file: Developing tabulations about population dwelling in family homes.

Universe of study: Population dwelling in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 622,070

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 1
Code Research institute Date of the transfer
009/2014/001 University of Barcelona 06/02/2017

Population and Housing Census. Year 2011. Population in Collective Establishments

Code: 033/2013

Purpose of file: Developing tabulations on population in group establishments and their features.

Universe of study: Population dwelling in collective establishments

Number of records or units in the file: 23,857

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Catalan Statistical Register of Non-University Students (REALC)

Code: 003/2018

Purpose of file: Developing tabulations on non-university students of Catalonia.

Universe of study: Non-university students in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 1,642,958

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Other

Transfers: 0

Statistical Register of School Centers (RECE)

Code: 004/2018

Purpose of file: Developing tabulations on non-university centres of Catalonia.

Universe of study: Non-university centers in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 5,591

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Other

Transfers: 0

Catalan Statistical Register of University Students (REALUC)

Code: 002/2018

Purpose of file: Developing tabulations on university students of Catalonia.

Universe of study: University students in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 538,355

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Other

Transfers: 0

Statistical Register of University Centers (RECU)

Code: 005/2018

Purpose of file: Developing tabulations on university centres of Catalonia.

Universe of study: University centers in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 147

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Other

Transfers: 0

Statistical Population Register (REP)

Code: 001/2018

Purpose of file: Maintenance and exploitation of a statistical recording on population dwelling in Catalonia: introducing registrations and cancellations due to birth, death of migration. Updating place of residence, nationality, level of education and family relationship: father-child, mother-child and spouse-partner.

Universe of study: Whole population dwelling in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 10,159,979

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Other

Transfers: 0

Statistical Register of Territory (RET)

Code: 001/2020

Purpose of file: Development of the spatial database to model territorial elements and support the georeferencing of official statistics..

Universe of study: Addresses of Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 3,012,500

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Other

Transfers: 0

Demographic Survey. Year 2007

Code: 011/2019

Purpose of file: On the one hand, updating the information on the main demographic variables related to population, households and families and dwelling. On the other hand, delving into the causes and consequences of the current demographic change through the study of the causes of migration, the fertility of generations, youth emancipation, the frequency of new forms of families and the participation of population in the unpaid domestic work.

Universe of study: Population dwelling in Catalonia.

Number of records or units in the file: 27,911

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Face-to-face survey

Transfers: 0


Code: 001/2012

Purpose of file: Exploitation of data from the Statistical Birth Bulletin and its main demographical features.

Universe of study: Childbirths in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 82,500

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Direct collection using a statistical form for a procedure

Transfers: 1
Code Research institute Date of the transfer
001/2012/001 CREAL - Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology 25/02/2014

Ministry of Business and Labour (5)

Export Climate Survey

Code: 036/2012

Purpose of file: Statistical and economic analysis of a survey of entrepreneurs to know the short-term evolution of catalan exportations and its expectations.

Universe of study: Catalan companies exporting on a regular basis

Number of records or units in the file: 600

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Phone survey

Transfers: 0


Code: 038/2012

Purpose of file: Knowing the travel behavior of the catalans and of the residents from the rest of Spain by exploring different qualitative aspects of their travels (undertaken and projected).

Universe of study: Households dwelling in Spain

Number of records or units in the file: 2,207

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0


Code: 035/2012

Purpose of file: Knowing the expenditure and other variables of the trips to Catalonia of non-resident visitors in Spain, investigating different qualitative aspects of the trips made and projected..

Universe of study: Foreign visitors

Number of records or units in the file: 8,482

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Face-to-face survey

Transfers: 0


Code: 039/2012

Purpose of file: Knowing the expenditure and other variables of travels of foreign visitors in Catalonia, looking for different qualitative aspects of travels (undertaken and projected).

Universe of study: Foreign visitors

Number of records or units in the file: 63,343

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Face-to-face survey

Transfers: 0

Industrial Investment Survey in Catalonia

Code: 037/2012

Purpose of file: Having a quantitative estimate of the variation of industrial investment by doing a survey.

Universe of study: Industrial establishments in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 1,790

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Ministry of Home Affairs (2)

Survey on sexual violence in Catalonia

Code: 009/2024

Purpose of file: To quantify the experiences of victimization related to sexual violence of women resident in Catalonia aged 16 and over during the year prior to its completion. Complementarily, it also measures the level of reporting, the damages suffered, the associated impact and women's perceptions of sexual violence..

Universe of study: Women from Catalonia aged 16 and over

Number of records or units in the file: 10,015

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Various

Transfers: 0

Public Security Survey in Catalonia

Code: 040/2012

Purpose of file: Measure of the vicitimization experiences and perceptions on the security of the citizens in Catalonia.

Universe of study: Population of Catalonia 16 years and over

Number of records or units in the file: 14,552

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Phone survey

Transfers: 0

Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda (4)

Effective Livestock Survey

Code: 041/2012

Purpose of file: Knowing the number of livestock assets of ovine, porcine and caprine species.

Universe of study: Livestock farmings in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 1,330

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Face-to-face survey

Transfers: 0

Slaughter Survey in Slaughterhouses

Code: 042/2012

Purpose of file: Knowing the number of slaughtered livestock heads and meat production by species.

Universe of study: Slaughterhouses of Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 621

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Online survey

Transfers: 0

Agrarian Accounting Network

Code: 044/2012

Purpose of file: Microeconomic monitoring of output, expenditures, added value, income and financial and economic ratios of farms in Catalonia.

Universe of study: Agricultural holdings in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 120,000

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Face-to-face survey

Transfers: 0

Hatchery Survey

Code: 043/2012

Purpose of file: Knowing the production of hatching eggs.

Universe of study: Hatcheries of Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 369

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Online survey

Transfers: 0

Ministry of Culture (4)

Performing Arts Statistics: Theatres, Dance and Circus Companies

Code: 002/2013

Purpose of file: Scaling the performing arts sector in Catalonia by surveying theater, dance and circus companies, collecting the variables of identification, production, exhibition, personnel and budget.

Universe of study: Theatre, dance and circurs companies

Number of records or units in the file: 208

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Online survey

Transfers: 0

Catalan Local Authority Culture Expenditure Statistics

Code: 003/2013

Purpose of file: Scaling the financial efforts of the públic administration in the culture sector, per chapters and per cultural areas.

Universe of study: Municipalities, county and provincial councils.

Number of records or units in the file: 998

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Online survey

Transfers: 0

Performing Arts Statistics. Theatres, Dance and Circus Rooms

Code: 001/2013

Purpose of file: Scaling the performing arts sector in Catalonia by surveying the venues and gathering data about variables like identification, exhibition, stuff and budget.

Universe of study: Theatre, dance and circus venues

Number of records or units in the file: 146

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Online survey

Transfers: 0

Cultural Participation Survey

Code: 006/2018

Purpose of file: Knowing and scaling the consumption and cultural practices of catalan population in different areas: newspapers, magazines, radio, TV and audiovisual, internet, cinema at theathers, music, concerts, videogames and cellphone games, performing arts shows, expositions, reading and associations. .

Universe of study: Population aged 14 years or over dwelling in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 4,000

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Ministry of Health (10)

The Statistics on Health Establishments with Boarding School in Catalonia

Code: 014/2013

Purpose of file: Data gathering for conducting statistics on the structure, the endowment and the activity of hospital centres in Catalonia.

Universe of study: Hospital centres, included seriously ill, socio-sanitary and psychiatric sections.

Number of records or units in the file: 189

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Online survey

Transfers: 0

Survey on Healthcare Free Insurance Entities

Code: 012/2013

Purpose of file: Obtaining data for conducting stastistics on the hospital activity funded by healthcare free Insurance entities.

Universe of study: Healthcare free insureance entities

Number of records or units in the file: 48

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Online survey

Transfers: 0

Statistics on Assisted Human Reproduction in Catalonia

Code: 017/2013

Purpose of file: Data gathering on the features of assisted reproduction techniques users, the specific techniques used and its results. The reporting unit is the number of launched embryo transfer cicles.

Universe of study: Women undergoing assisted reproduction treatments

Number of records or units in the file: 14,428

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Online survey

Transfers: 0

Causes of Death Statistics of Catalonia

Code: 016/2013

Purpose of file: Data gathering for conducting statistics on the causes of death of the population and its evolution.

Universe of study: Population dying in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 59,631

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Direct collection using a statistical form for a procedure

Transfers: 0

Cancer Statistics of the Province of Tarragona

Code: 002/2015

Purpose of file: Obtention of statistics on incidence, prevalence, mortality and survival rates of cancer in the province of Tarragona.

Universe of study: People diagnosed with cancer dwelling in the province of Tarragona

Number of records or units in the file: 80,000

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Other

Transfers: 0

Statistics of Voluntary Interruptions of Pregnancy in Catalonia

Code: 015/2013

Purpose of file: Data gathering for conducting statistics on the profile of women performing elective avortions and the features of these inteventions.

Universe of study: Resident and non-resident women undergoing abortion in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 24,305

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Statistics on HIV/AIDS cases of Catalonia

Code: 018/2013

Purpose of file: Obtaining statistics on the HIV/AIDS cases, the diagnostic tests perfomed and the prescribed treatments.

Universe of study: Population diagnosed with HIV

Number of records or units in the file: 94,796

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Other

Transfers: 0

Cancer Statistics of the Province of Girona

Code: 004/2015

Purpose of file: Obtention of statistics on incidence, prevalence, mortality and survival rates of cancer of population líving in the province of Girona.

Universe of study: People diagnosed with cancer dwelling in the province of Girona

Number of records or units in the file: 74,800

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Other

Transfers: 0

Catalan Health Survey

Code: 013/2013

Purpose of file: Data gathering for conducting statistics on líving conditions, lifestyles, health status and use of heath services of the citizens of Catalonia.

Universe of study: Non-institutionalized population of Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 4,828

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Face-to-face survey

Transfers: 0

Catalan Cancer Registry

Code: 003/2015

Purpose of file: Obtention of statistics on incidence, prevalence, mortality and survival rates of cancer.

Universe of study: Population diagnosed with cancer dwelling in Catalonia (aged 0-18 years)

Number of records or units in the file: 265

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Other

Transfers: 0

Ministry of Social Rights (1)

Catalan Youth Survey

Code: 001/2014

Purpose of file: Obtention of regular information in order to know the various dimensions affecting catalan youth population through surveys on representative samples of that group.

Universe of study: Population aged 15-34 years dwelling in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 3,002

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Face-to-face survey

Transfers: 0

Ministry of Education (2)

Statistics on ICT Equipment and Use in Schools

Code: 020/2013

Purpose of file: Knowing the provision of hardware in schools and high-school and their uses. Information on teachers’ ICT literacy is also available.

Universe of study: Educational centres

Number of records or units in the file: 3,042

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Online survey

Transfers: 0

School Library Statistics

Code: 019/2013

Purpose of file: Knowing the provision of content in school and high-school libraries and different aspects of their operation.

Universe of study: Educational centres with school libraries

Number of records or units in the file: 3,040

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Online survey

Transfers: 0

Public Transport Consortium of the Camp de Tarragona, Territorial Mobility Authority (2)

Survey of daily mobility in Camp de Tarragona (November 2020)

Code: 002/2021

Purpose of file: The aim of the Survey is to collect information on all the trips that the interviewees have declared to have conducted the day before the interview in order to analyze the daily mobility of residents of this territorial area. The universe of the survey is the population of 4 years and more resident in the territorial scope of the Integrated Tariff System of the Camp de Tarragona (counties of Alt Camp, Baix Camp, Baix Penedès, Conca de Barberà, Priorat and Tarragonès). In this way, the impact on mobility caused by the incidence of COVID-19 can be assessed.

Universe of study: Population resident in Camp de Tarragona of 4 years and over

Number of records or units in the file: 4,001

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Phone survey

Transfers: 1
Code Research institute Date of the transfer
002/2021/001 Rovira i Virgili University 05/07/2021

Survey of daily mobility in Camp de Tarragona (March 2020)

Code: 001/2021

Purpose of file: The objective of the Survey is to collect information on all the trips that the interviewees have declared to have made the day before the interview, in order to analyze the daily mobility of the residents of this territorial area. The universe of the survey is the population of 4 years and more residing in the territorial scope of the integrated tariff system of Camp de Tarragona (counties of Alt Camp, Baix Camp, Baix Penedès, Conca de Barberà, Priorat and Tarragonès).

Universe of study: Population living in the Camp de Tarragona aged 4 and over

Number of records or units in the file: 9,228

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Phone survey

Transfers: 1
Code Research institute Date of the transfer
001/2021/001 Rovira i Virgili University 23/06/2021

Barcelona City Council (5)

Survey on Tourists Staying in Hotels in Barcelona

Code: 031/2013

Purpose of file: Survey carried out by Turisme de Barcelona (Barcelona’s Tourism Office), in which information about different tourist spots of the city is gathered. Particulary, it is of interest data about tourists who stay overnight in hotel establishments in order to know the features, the behavior, the activity and the profile of tourism in Barcelona.

Universe of study: Tourist staying overnight in hotels

Number of records or units in the file: 3,200

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Face-to-face survey

Transfers: 0

Barcelona Tourist Survey

Code: 004/2017

Purpose of file: Obtention of statistics about turists, in order to know the features, the behavior, the activity and the profile of tourism in Barcelona.

Universe of study: Tourists spending from 1 to 28 nights in Barcelona

Number of records or units in the file: 6,000

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Face-to-face survey

Transfers: 0

Barcelona Victimization Survey

Code: 002/2017

Purpose of file: Measuring the vicitimization experiencies, the senses of insecurity, the opinions and the values of the citizens with regards to public security.

Universe of study: Population of Barcelona (aged 16 years or over)

Number of records or units in the file: 5,307

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Survey on the Activity on Commercial Sector in the City of Barcelona

Code: 003/2017

Purpose of file: Knowing the features of the commercial establishments of Barcelona, their personnel, their opening times and the services they offer.

Universe of study: Commercial establishments of Barcelona

Number of records or units in the file: 2,400

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Face-to-face survey

Transfers: 0

Survey on the Activity on Catering Sector in the City of Barcelona

Code: 001/2017

Purpose of file: Knowing the features of the catering establishments in Barcelona, their personnel, their opening times and the services they offer. .

Universe of study: Catering establishments in Barcelona

Number of records or units in the file: 1,002

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Face-to-face survey

Transfers: 0

Metropolitan Transport Authority (1)

Mobility on Weekdays Survey

Code: 005/2015

Purpose of file: Knowing the basic features of working-days’ mobility of 16 years old or more population líving in Barcelona’s area of integrated tariff system.

Universe of study: People resident in Barcelona's area of integrated tariff system (aged 16 years or over)

Number of records or units in the file: 9,461

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Phone survey

Transfers: 0

Catalan Energy Institute (ICAEN) (17)

Consumption of Gaseous Oil Products

Code: 029/2013

Purpose of file: Quantifying supplies and sales of liquified petroleum gas (LPG) in Catalonia from the statistical treatment of the information provided by LPG wholesalers and retailers (barrels and streams) and the net balance of LPG local networks.

Universe of study: Liquified petroleum gas wholesale and retail operators based in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 12

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Mail survey

Transfers: 0

Montly Network Sales from the Electrical Energy Production Facilities

Code: 005/2014

Purpose of file: Knowing monthly juncture of sales in network of power generation facilities in Catalonia, disaggregated by available technology and aplicable economic regime.

Universe of study: Power plant facilities in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 3,725

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Mail survey

Transfers: 0

Natural Gas Commercialisation

Code: 026/2013

Purpose of file: Quantifying the consumption of natural gas per access tolls and economic sectors through billing data of piped natural gas trading firms in the free market (last resort companies are also included), disaggregated by access tolls and by economic sectors and through individualised data for the case of subscribers covered by liquified natural gas trading companies in the free market.

Universe of study: Natural gas marketing companies in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 23

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Mail survey

Transfers: 0

Survey on the Energy Consumption in the Industrial Sector

Code: 028/2013

Purpose of file: Quantifying the energy consumption in the industrial sector classified by economic sectors (industrial subsectors) and by energy forms.

Universe of study: Companies with indistrial establishments based in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 3,500

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Multi-channel survey

Transfers: 0

Production and Sales of Gaseous Oil Products

Code: 030/2013

Purpose of file: Quantifying crude oil production, refinery and olefin plants oil products production and supplies and sales of oil products in Catalonia by means of an statistical treatment of the available information .

Universe of study: Crude oil production companies, refineries, olefin plants and official bodies

Number of records or units in the file: 5

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Mail survey

Transfers: 0

Montly Global Natural Gas Demand

Code: 006/2014

Purpose of file: Knowing the juncture of natural gas consumption from the global demand of natural gas (GDNG) in Catalonia through statistical treatment of information coming from the main natural gas transport and distribution companies.

Universe of study: Border points of natural gas backbone network in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 30

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Mail survey

Transfers: 0

Supply and Provision of Fossil Fuels

Code: 027/2013

Purpose of file: Quantifying supplies, sales and consumption by economic sectors of the following solid fuels: mineral coal, petroleum coke, charcoal, wood, pellet and agricultural and forestry waste.

Universe of study: Fossil fuels production and distribution companies in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 145

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Mail survey

Transfers: 0

Electrical Energy Production. Ordinary Regime

Code: 022/2013

Purpose of file: Knowing the ordinary-regime production of electrical energy according available tecnologies, forms of energy used and the applicable economic regime. A study on consumption according forms of energy used in the production of electrical energy process is also made.

Universe of study: Power plants in ordinary regime in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 16

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Mail survey

Transfers: 0

Electrical Energy Distribution

Code: 021/2013

Purpose of file: Knowing the consumption of electrical energy in network, disaggregating both by access tolls and by economic sectors and knowing sales in network of special regime producers. The information comes from the statistical treatment of billing data of power distribution companies (by access tolls and by economic sectors) and from individualised data for the case of suscribers with a contracted power rating of more than or equal to 50kw and special regime producers.

Universe of study: Electrical energy distribution companies in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 78

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Mail survey

Transfers: 0

Empreses comercialitzadores d'energia elèctrica amb activitat a Catalunya

Code: 024/2013

Purpose of file: Knowing invoicing per access tolls and per economic sectors of the marketing comapnies at the electric open market network, including last resort companies.

Universe of study: Electrical energy marketing companies in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 58

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Mail survey

Transfers: 0

Monthly Electrical Energy Production

Code: 004/2014

Purpose of file: Knowing short-term situation of the production of electrical energy through the electricity balance and fuels balance from the main power plants in Catalonia.

Universe of study: Power plants in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 74

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Mail survey

Transfers: 0

Production of Electrical Energy. Special Regime

Code: 023/2013

Purpose of file: Knowing the special-regime production of electrical energy according available tecnologies, forms of energy used and the applicable economic regime. A study on consumption according forms of energy used in the production of electrical energy process and electrical energy self-consumption is also made.

Universe of study: Power plants in special regime in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 3,166

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Mail survey

Transfers: 0

Natural Gas Distribution

Code: 025/2013

Purpose of file: Quantifying the consumption of natural gas per access tolls and economic sectors using distribution of natural gas billing data (using also the access tolls and economic sectors’ classification) and individualised data for the case of main subscribers (subscribers under the following access tolls: group 1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.2 bis, 2.3 bis, 3.5 and interrumptible distribution and transportation tolls).

Universe of study: Electrical energy distribution companies in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 2

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Mail survey

Transfers: 0

Monthly Electrical Energy Demand at the Power Plant Busbars

Code: 002/2014

Purpose of file: Knowing the demand of electrical energy at power plant busbars (EPPB). EPPB is a physical variable (not invoicing) about the consumption of electrical energy, reflecting actual consumption of electrical energy plus transmission and distribution losses.

Universe of study: The main electrical energy distribution company in Catalonua

Number of records or units in the file: 1

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Mail survey

Transfers: 0

Monthly Electrical Energy Invoicing

Code: 003/2014

Purpose of file: Knowing the monthly consumption of electrical energy in Catalonia disaggregated by access tolls, economic sectors and energy marketers.

Universe of study: Points of electrical energy supply and the like

Number of records or units in the file: 11,656

Scope of the data: Partial

Information-gathering procedure: Mail survey

Transfers: 0

Montly Consumption of Natural Gas by Provinces and Pressure Boostings

Code: 007/2014

Purpose of file: Knowing the juncture of natural gas consumption in Catalonia through the statistical treatment of information coming from information of gas natural marketers for each presure set at provincial level.

Universe of study: Natural gas marketing companies in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 23

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Mail survey

Transfers: 0

Electrical Energy Production

Code: 001/2015

Purpose of file: Knowing the production of electrical energy according the available technology, forms of energy used and the economic regime. Knowing the consumption of fuels according the forms of energy used in the production of electrical energy.

Universe of study: Holders of power plant facilities in Catalonia

Number of records or units in the file: 3,182

Scope of the data: Exhaustive

Information-gathering procedure: Mail survey

Transfers: 0

Files registered with the Statistical File Register on 25/07/2024, according to the reporting bodies.