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Domestic consumption of materials

Domestic consumption of materials (DMC) Catalonia. 2021
Value Variation (%)
Domestic consumption of materials (DMC) 48,129,229 0.2
Domestic extraction 35,609,848 -5.9
Physical trade balance 12,601,891 23.7
DMC per inhabitant 6.21 0.04
Units: Tons.
Source: Idescat. Material Flow Accounts.

You can find the annual data on this indicator in the Statistical Yearbook of Catalonia.

You can find more detailed results in the source of this indicator: Material Flow Accounts (CFM).

Domestic consumption of materials (DMC) Spain. 2021
Value Variation (%)
Domestic consumption of materials (DMC) 438,514,786 3.2
Domestic extraction 379,120,104 2.0
Physical trade balance 59,394,682 11.5
DMC per inhabitant 9.26 3.12
Units: Tons.
Source: INE. Material Flow Accounts.

Last update: March 27, 2024.

The Material Flow Accounts show the physical inputs that enter the economy from the environment or other economic systems and the outputs that are heading towards other economies or the natural environment.

Domestic material consumption: Accounting derivative resulting from the sum total of domestic extraction and the physical trade balance. Quantifies the materials used directly in the economy