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Standardised death rate. By sex

Standardised death rate. By sex 2020
Men Women Total
Catalonia 1,080.8 642.9 827.2
Spain 1,084.7 662.9 844.9
European Union-27 1,264.3 814.9 1,008.0
Units: Deaths per 100,000 inhabitants.
Source Catalonia: Idescat. Source Spain and European Union: Eurostat.
Note: The temporary reference for Catalonia corresponds to 5-year moving means. Thus, for example, the 2011 SDR has been calculated by grouping together the deaths and populations from 2009 to 2013.

Last update: February 1, 2024.


These statistics have a specific section with all the information available: Standardised Death Rate (TMEE).

Methodological note

The standardised death rate (SDR) by age is the number of deaths (expressed per 100,000 inhabitants) that are recorded within a given territory according to the death rate by sex and age in the territory in question and with the age structure of a standard population.

This method, known as direct standardisation, calculates the rate as the weighted mean of death rates by age group, where the weighting factors are a standard reference population.

The 2013 European standard population proposed by Eurostat has been used for the calculation of the 2009–2013 and later Standardised death rates SDR.

The calculation of the SDR corresponds to 5–year moving means. Thus, for example, the 2009–2013 SDR has been calculated by grouping together the deaths and populations from 2009 to 2013.