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Smoking prevalence (03.30)

Smoking prevalence. By sex 2016
Catalonia Spain European Union-27
Men 29.0 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Women 20.6 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Total 24.7 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Units: Percentage.
Source Catalonia: Ministry of Health. Source Spain and European Union: Eurostat.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.

Last update: September 23, 2020.


These statistics have a specific section with all the information available: Catalan Health Survey (ESCA).

Methodological note

The indicator shows the sum of the percentage of the population aged 15 and over who report smoking daily and those who report smoking but not daily (occasional smokers).

The denominator only takes into account the records that answered the question in the respective surveys. Therefore, the answers "Don't know" and "No answer" are not counted.

The indicator for Catalonia comes from the Catalan Health Survey and data for Spain and the European Union are collected through Eurobarometer.