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Social Services Facilities. Places

Facilities places for the elderly. By type of centres Catalonia. 2009
Value Variation (%)
Residences 53,526 4.5
Public initiative 8,007 5.3
Social initiative 13,487 3.4
Business initiative 32,032 4.8
Day centres 14,554 6.2
Units: Number of places.
Source: Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Families.
Facilities places for disabled people. By type of centres Catalonia. 2009
Value Variation (%)
Occupational centres 10,783 1.3
Residential centres 3,643 2.0
Residential homes 3,818 7.4
Specialised care centres 1,134 3.1
Units: Number of places.
Source: Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Families.
Facilities places for children/teenagers. By type of centres Catalonia. 2009
Value Variation (%)
Children's homes 543 -0.5
Educational action residential centres 1,783 -2.8
Open centres 6,301 1.0
Intensive education residential centres 78 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Units: Number of places.
Source: Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Families.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.

Last update: March 7, 2012. Revised series on February 14, 2019.

Methodological note

The information in this area comes mainly from the Ministry of Work, Social Rights and Families, and specifically from the Database of Social Entities and Establishments. The core of this Database is the Register of entities, services and social establishments, in which registration is mandatory to carry out activities in the field of social services, an aspect that is supervised by the Inspection Service of the same Ministry.

The Register was set up in 1987 and implementing it took a relatively long time. This has most likely affected the time series to the extent that its operation has led to the inclusion in the database of already existing establishments which for various reasons were not known to the public administration.

Furthermore, continuous developments in the social services and changes in the regulations governing them add to the difficulties in interpreting the statistical evolution of the provision of social services.

Note: from 1996 onwards, the places recorded in the educational action residential centres refer to places arranged by the Ministry of Justice.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.