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Foreigners with residence card. By sex

Foreigners with a valid certificate of registration or residence card. By sex Catalonia. 2007
Value Variation (%)
Total 860,575 33.9
Men 478,599 33.0
Women 381,880 35.0
% over the total population 11.9 z Category not applicable
% over the total foreigners in Spain. 21.6 z Category not applicable
Source: Ministry Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations.
Note: The total includes the number of certificate of registration or residence card in which is not included sex.
(z) Category not applicable.
Foreigners with a valid certificate of registration or residence card. By sex Spain. 2007
Value Variation (%)
Total 3,979,014 31.7
Men 2,162,190 32.1
Women 1,816,392 31.2
% over the total population 8.8 z Category not applicable
Source: Ministry Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations.
Note: The total includes the number of certificate of registration or residence card in which is not included sex.
(z) Category not applicable.

Last update: May 10, 2013.

Methodological note

The statistics Foreigners with a valid certificate of registration or residence card are obtained from files produced by the Central Register of Foreigners, an administrative record managed by the Directorate General of the Police and the Civil Guard, which is part of the Ministry for the Interior

The statistical treatment of these files corresponds to the Permanent Immigration Observatory, which is part of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security.

These are stock statistics that are produced quarterly. They count and analyse the number of foreigners with a valid registry certificate or residency card at the end of each quarter.

The legislation applicable to foreigners residing in Spain depends on their residency system and this, to a large extent, on the nationality of foreigners.

These statistics do not include the following foreigners:

  • Those that are only staying temporarily in Spain (three months per half-year)
  • Those that are in Spain with a permit to be in the country for a course, studies, research work, training or volunteering
  • Trans-frontier workers that do not reside in Spain
  • Applicants for asylum or persons that have obtained refugee or expatriate status
  • Foreigners from the European Union that have not applied for inscription to the Central Registry of Foreigners or that have applied for it but have not yet received the corresponding certificate
  • Foreigners whose documentation has expired and are in the process of renewing it

Data from 2010 onward has been reviewed with the aim of excluding persons who have been granted Spanish nationality and foreigners who have expired, in Spain, and whose residence permits were valid at the time of their death.