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Hotel Sector Profitability Indicators. By categories

Hotel Sector Profitability Indicators. By categories Catalonia. June, 2011
Value % Year-over-year variation
Average Daily Room Rate (ADR) Revenue per Available Room (RevPAR) Average Daily Room Rate (ADR) Revenue per Available Room (RevPAR)
Total 72.55 48.69 1.8 15.7
Five gold stars 200.94 140.32 16.9 25.5
Four gold stars 82.11 62.03 1.9 14.5
Three gold stars 56.29 40.31 -3.4 10.6
Two gold stars 57.20 33.55 0.0 16.7
One gold star 51.45 23.17 3.5 11.2
Two and three silver stars 44.17 14.96 -1.1 10.2
One silver star 41.87 13.28 -4.4 -0.5
Units: Euros.
Source: Idescat, based on the INE's Survey of occupancy of hotels.
Hotel Sector Profitability Indicators. By categories Spain. June, 2011
Value % Year-over-year variation
Average Daily Room Rate (ADR) Revenue per Available Room (RevPAR) Average Daily Room Rate (ADR) Revenue per Available Room (RevPAR)
Total 66.51 41.33 0.8 8.0
Five gold stars 148.35 91.00 9.0 14.2
Four gold stars 74.87 53.09 -0.8 5.3
Three gold stars 54.47 37.58 0.2 8.6
Two gold stars 50.16 24.33 2.4 9.0
One gold star 48.90 18.92 5.7 8.7
Two and three silver stars 45.73 16.76 -1.2 3.6
One silver star 39.58 13.82 5.9 20.4
Units: Euros.
Source: INE. Hotel Occupancy Survey.

Last update: May 23, 2018. Revised series on February 28, 2019. Next update: August 26, 2024 Calendari

Methodological note

Hotel sector profitability indicators are ADR and RevPAR:

  • ADR: Average Daily Rate
  • RevPAR: Revenue per Available Room

In both definitions, income refers to payments received by hoteliers for the provision of accommodation services, excluding other types of services (and VAT) offered by the establishment, such as restaurant services, mini bars, hydro massage pools, gyms, hosting meetings and events, etc.

The following relation exists between both indicators:

RevPAR ≈ADR * Occupancy rate per rooms

An increase (or decrease) in the RevPAR can be caused by an increase (or decrease) in the applied rates (ADR) or by an increase (or decrease) in the occupancy rate. We must take into account that this equality is not precise, since the occupancy rate per room is calculated according to the Hotel Occupancy Survey's (HOS) criteria and doesn't entirely correspond with ADR or RevPAR estimates, due to methodological reasons.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.