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Gross Domestic Product. Supply

Gross Domestic Product. Supply. Seasonally adjusted data Catalonia. 1st quarter 2007
Value at current prices (€M) Quarter-over-quarter variation in volume (%) Year-over-year variation in volume (%)
GDP 52,222 0.9 3.8
Gross value added 47,081 1.2 4.4
Agriculture 526 1.9 -0.7
Industry 9,787 0.0 1.7
Construction 5,573 0.2 3.8
Services 31,196 1.7 5.5
Trade, transport and accommodation 11,529 0.0 3.3
Real state, professional and other activities 13,891 2.9 8.3
Public administration, education, health and social services 5,775 2.4 3.6
Net taxes on products 5,140 -1.3 -2.2
Source: Idescat. Quarterly Accounts. 2019 Benchmark revision.
Gross Domestic Product. Supply. Seasonally adjusted data Spain. 1st quarter 2007
Value at current prices (€M) Quarter-over-quarter variation in volume (%) Year-over-year variation in volume (%)
GDP 264,171 0.9 3.7
Gross value added (1) 236,715 1.1 4.2
Agriculture 6,348 4.7 6.9
Industry 41,068 -0.6 1.0
Construction 29,056 -0.7 2.1
Services 160,243 1.7 5.2
Trade, transport and accommodation 52,506 0.8 3.3
Real state, professional and other activities (1) 69,584 3.2 8.3
Public administration, education, health and social services 38,153 0.1 2.6
Net taxes on products 27,456 -0.4 0.2
Source: INE. Quarterly Spanish National Accounts. 2024 Benchmark revision.
Note: Data for Spain were updated on 27 September 2024.
Data calculated by Idescat from information published by the INE, to facilitate comparability of the tables.

Last update: March 20, 2024. Revised series on September 13, 2024. Next update: November 6, 2024 Calendari

Methodological note

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measures the final result of the production activity of the production units in a territory. There are three vantage points for analysing GDP: supply, demand and income.

  1. From the standpoint of supply, GDP makes it possible to evaluate the contributions made by the different productive branches to the economy as a whole (gross value added of agriculture, industry, construction and services).
  2. In order to conduct the analysis from the standpoint of the end-use of the goods and services produced (consumption, investment, external sector), GDP calculated from the demand side is used.
  3. Finally, from the income standpoint, GDP makes it possible to give a breakdown of the contribution made by the productive factors to production: compensation of wage-earners (labour), gross operating surplus (capital) and mixed income.

Idescat draws up the statistical actions Quarterly GDP Advance and Quarterly Accounts of Catalonia and presents them integrated in the same series of quarterly accounts, while respecting the specific calendar of availability of results of each of them.

The quarterly series should be seen as provisional, both in Catalonia and in Spain, given that the required congruence between annual and quarterly estimates makes it necessary to modify at least the quarterly estimates while the annual estimates are provisional.

Eurostat requires statistics offices to update regularly (at least every five years) the sources and estimation methods used to compile the economic accounts. All the results of the statistics making up the economic accounts of Catalonia will include this revision when each set of statistics is updated from March 2025 onwards, coinciding with the release of the Annual Economic Accounts for Catalonia 2024 and the accounts for the 4th quarter of 2024. The Benchmark Revision 2024 will be applied to the entire accounting series 2000-2024. In the case of the Spanish economic accounts, the results of the annual and quarterly accounts were published in September 2024 in accordance with the Benchmark Revision 2024. .

Les sèries trimestrals de la Revisió estadística 2019, que substitueixen les de la Base 2010, s'han elaborat a partir de l'actualització de les fonts estadístiques i dels mètodes d'estimació, dins d'un projecte de revisió impulsada per Eurostat i el Banc Central Europeu.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.