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Industrial Climate Indicator (ICI)

Industrial Climate Indicator (ICI) Catalonia. 2019
Value (annual average) December value
Total industry
Industrial Climate Indicator -0.3 -9.2
Total order book -0.5 -4.4
Stock of finished products 6.8 19.4
Production trend 6.5 -3.9
Capital goods
Industrial Climate Indicator 7.5 -4.3
Total order book 30.5 12.2
Stock of finished products 8.8 23.6
Production trend 0.6 -1.4
Intermediate goods
Industrial Climate Indicator -2.1 -15.5
Total order book -4.2 -11.7
Stock of finished products 7.7 27.5
Production trend 5.6 -7.2
Consumer goods
Industrial Climate Indicator -3.6 -3.1
Total order book -13.8 -6.3
Stock of finished products 5.7 0.3
Production trend 8.6 -2.8
Units: Balances of percentages.
Source: Ministry of Business and Labour, based on data Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism.
Industrial Climate Indicator (ICI) Spain. 2019
Value (annual average) December value
Total industry
Industrial Climate Indicator -3.6 -2.1
Total order book -5.2 -4.3
Stock of finished products 8.2 10.3
Production trend 2.3 7.4
Capital goods
Industrial Climate Indicator 1.8 -3.0
Total order book 8.8 5.4
Stock of finished products 6.3 13.2
Production trend 2.9 -0.9
Intermediate goods
Industrial Climate Indicator -7.2 -5.5
Total order book -14.0 -15.2
Stock of finished products 10.5 11.4
Production trend 2.8 9.7
Consumer goods
Industrial Climate Indicator -0.8 -0.6
Total order book -2.5 3.8
Stock of finished products 6.8 6.7
Production trend 7.0 6.2
Units: Balances of percentages.
Source: Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade.

Last update: January 30, 2020. Revised series on February 17, 2022.

Methodological note

It is an index based on a monthly survey of business opinion. Questions are asked about order books, finished product stocks, production and sale price trends. In each question interviewees are asked about level and trend with three options:

  • positive (high, excessive, rising, rise)
  • negative (feeble, insufficient, descent, reduce)
  • stall (normal, adequate, stability, sustain)

The results are presented as balances of the percentages of positive and negative answers.

They should not be interpreted quantitatively but rather as a qualitative trend. To facilitate skimming of the results the Industrial Climate Indicator (ICI) is calculated, which is the average of balances of business opinions on total order book level, finished product stocks level (in reverse) and production trends.

In May 2009 data for Catalonia were revised so as to harmonise the seasonal-adjustment system with the one used by the Ministry and the EU.