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Health care activities sector. Main results. By branches CCAE-2009 Catalonia. 2022
Health care activities Social work activities with accommodation Social work activities without accommodation Catalonia
Companies (number) 34,642 918 779 36,339
Establishments (number) 36,838 1,573 1,595 40,007
Employed persons (number) 117,637 43,872 28,148 189,658
Operating income 9,401,107 1,671,060 1,155,731 12,227,898
Turnover 9,224,470 1,557,694 1,051,889 11,834,053
Work done for the asset 9,117 1,269 1,408 11,793
Operating subsidies 37,850 73,882 90,267 201,999
Other operating income 129,671 38,214 12,167 180,052
Invent. var. prim. mat., supplies and merchandise -2,464 900 -201 -1,765
Inventory variation in products finished and in progress 1,953 63 288 2,305
Operating expenses 8,087,206 1,606,567 1,156,146 10,849,919
Consumption of goods 217,879 24,790 20,038 262,707
Consumption of raw materials and other supplies 1,066,056 101,811 162,317 1,330,184
Work done by other companies 1,404,214 78,007 22,080 1,504,301
Personnel costs 3,374,326 998,109 601,190 4,973,625
Wages and salaries 2,660,283 783,503 467,543 3,911,329
Social burdens and other personnel costs 714,042 214,606 133,648 1,062,296
Expenditure on external services 1,642,327 325,283 299,174 2,266,784
Provision for amortizations 290,585 62,700 27,546 380,832
Other operating expenses 91,819 15,866 23,800 131,485
Gross investment in tangible assets 222,327 69,087 34,609 326,022
Gross investment in intangible assets 40,500 1,809 3,741 46,050
Result of the financial year 388,994 38,537 37,377 464,908
Units: Milers d'euros.
Source: Idescat, based on the INE's Structural business statistics in the service sector.

Last update: July 10, 2024.

Methodological note

The Structural Business Statistics in the Service Sector, called the Annual Services Survey prior to the reference year 2014, is a sample-based survey that is produced annually by the INE in order to study the economic characteristics of companies in almost all of the market services sector (number of establishments, employment, income and operating costs, etc.) and estimate the main micromagnitudes. Idescat makes a detailed treatment for Catalonia and collaborates with the publishing of questionnaires.

The information on Health care activities sector is presented in two tables: main results and macromagnitudes.

In 2021, methodological improvements are applied to the Structural Business Statistics, and from then on it includes data from section Q (Human health and social work activities).

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.