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Deaths from Covid-19. By sex. Provinces 2020
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalonia Spain % Cat./Spa.
Covid-19, virus identified 10,431 923 748 796 12,898 60,358 21.4
Men 5,382 453 362 432 6,629 32,498 20.4
Women 5,049 470 386 364 6,269 27,860 22.5
Covid-19, virus not identified (suspected) 2,644 154 59 154 3,011 14,481 20.8
Men 1,099 78 32 85 1,294 6,419 20.2
Women 1,545 76 27 69 1,717 8,062 21.3
Total 13,075 1,077 807 950 15,909 74,839 21.3
Men 6,481 531 394 517 7,923 38,917 20.4
Women 6,594 546 413 433 7,986 35,922 22.2
Source: INE. Death Statistic according to Cause of Death.
Note: Deaths attributed to Covid-19, virus identified and Covid-19, virus not identified (ICD-10 codes UO7.1 and UO7.2).

Last update: November 30, 2021.

Methodological note

Methodological aspects

The Death statistics according to cause of death from Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), provide annual information on deaths according to the basic cause of death following the criteria of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) of the World Health Organization (WHO). The 10th revision of this classification has been used since 1999.

These are harmonised European statistics in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No. 328/2011 of 5 April 2011, as regards statistics on causes of death.

The original source of the data is the unified Medical Death Certificate/Statistical Death Bulletin, with which the death is registered in the Civil Registry. In the case of deaths within the first 24 hours of life, the information from the Medical Death Certificate is supplemented by information from the Statistical Birth Bulletin. In the case of deaths where the law intervenes, the source of information is the Statistical Legal Death Bulletin completed by the courts or the information provided directly by the Institutes of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences.

In March 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) added two new codes to the current International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10): UO7.1"COVID-19, virus identified", to characterise deaths in which the victim was identified as having this pathology, and UO7.2"COVID-19, virus not identified" (suspected), to refer to deaths in which the virus could not be identified in the deceased, but the physician suspected that he/she might have it, as he/she showed symptoms compatible with the disease.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".