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Non-university education. Resident student and located places of study. Counties and Aran

Non-university education. Resident student and located places of study. Counties and Aran 2016/17
Residents that study in the same municipality they live Residents that study in the rest of the county Non- residents that study in the county Residence is not given and they study in the county Residents that study in the rest of Catalonia Located places of study (1) Resident student population (2)
Alt Camp 5,639 1,236 483 5 668 7,363 7,543
Alt Empordà 17,333 4,173 226 7 899 21,739 22,405
Alt Penedès 14,056 3,318 1,022 2 2,107 18,398 19,481
Alt Urgell 2,330 516 193 225 167 3,264 3,013
Alta Ribagorça 406 67 216 1 54 690 527
Anoia 15,542 4,257 872 27 1,666 20,698 21,465
Aran 919 332 78 3 93 1,332 1,344
Bages 22,599 4,881 1,421 401 1,050 29,302 28,530
Baix Camp 28,853 2,759 1,759 11 2,557 33,382 34,169
Baix Ebre 10,100 1,445 1,174 6 760 12,725 12,305
Baix Empordà 15,730 3,395 312 533 1,283 19,970 20,408
Baix Llobregat 112,716 13,778 4,619 530 13,974 131,643 140,468
Baix Penedès 12,849 2,763 1,117 0 1,405 16,729 17,017
Barcelonès 281,148 14,439 29,210 2,485 5,970 327,282 301,557
Berguedà 3,909 925 151 9 595 4,994 5,429
Cerdanya 1,572 485 26 28 299 2,111 2,356
Conca de Barberà 2,228 479 53 1 443 2,761 3,150
Garraf 19,524 2,099 771 5 1,604 22,399 23,227
Garrigues 1,674 558 115 0 419 2,347 2,651
Garrotxa 6,540 1,519 476 1 546 8,536 8,605
Gironès 27,893 5,008 4,327 202 789 37,430 33,690
Lluçanès .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Maresme 59,297 10,829 1,611 113 5,362 71,850 75,488
Moianès 1,544 229 55 0 534 1,828 2,307
Montsià 8,964 925 725 1 776 10,615 10,665
Noguera 4,479 685 403 3 754 5,570 5,918
Osona 20,191 5,471 1,270 42 1,158 26,974 26,820
Pallars Jussà 1,413 300 95 0 159 1,808 1,872
Pallars Sobirà 547 319 65 0 117 931 983
Pla d'Urgell 4,365 1,078 579 3 882 6,025 6,325
Pla de l'Estany 4,171 1,075 298 0 495 5,544 5,741
Priorat 756 277 106 0 207 1,139 1,240
Ribera d'Ebre 2,246 545 95 1 423 2,887 3,214
Ripollès 2,495 568 244 3 302 3,310 3,365
Segarra 2,941 435 158 176 425 3,710 3,801
Segrià 27,998 4,938 2,293 541 481 35,770 33,417
Selva 21,830 2,388 1,069 7 2,878 25,294 27,096
Solsonès 1,629 421 167 1 170 2,218 2,220
Tarragonès 36,005 5,438 3,621 22 1,829 45,086 43,272
Terra Alta 1,020 298 26 0 209 1,344 1,527
Urgell 4,917 525 610 2 689 6,054 6,131
Vallès Occidental 140,043 16,250 5,049 366 8,323 161,708 164,616
Vallès Oriental 56,082 12,107 2,238 226 4,771 70,653 72,960
Catalonia 1,006,493 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 1,215,413 1,208,318
Units: Students.
Source: Idescat. Statistics on Commuting for Non-University Studies.
(1) Located places of study = Residents that study in the same municipality they live + Residents that study in the rest of the county + Non-residents that study in the county + Residence is not given and they study in the county.
(2) Resident student population = Residents that study in the same municipality they live + Residents that study in the rest of the county + Residents that study in the rest of Catalonia.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.
Resident student population by place of study. Counties and Aran 2016/17
Place of study
They study in the same municipality they live They study in the rest of the county They study in the rest of Catalonia Total number of resident student population
Alt Camp 5,639 1,236 668 7,543
Alt Empordà 17,333 4,173 899 22,405
Alt Penedès 14,056 3,318 2,107 19,481
Alt Urgell 2,330 516 167 3,013
Alta Ribagorça 406 67 54 527
Anoia 15,542 4,257 1,666 21,465
Aran 919 332 93 1,344
Bages 22,599 4,881 1,050 28,530
Baix Camp 28,853 2,759 2,557 34,169
Baix Ebre 10,100 1,445 760 12,305
Baix Empordà 15,730 3,395 1,283 20,408
Baix Llobregat 112,716 13,778 13,974 140,468
Baix Penedès 12,849 2,763 1,405 17,017
Barcelonès 281,148 14,439 5,970 301,557
Berguedà 3,909 925 595 5,429
Cerdanya 1,572 485 299 2,356
Conca de Barberà 2,228 479 443 3,150
Garraf 19,524 2,099 1,604 23,227
Garrigues 1,674 558 419 2,651
Garrotxa 6,540 1,519 546 8,605
Gironès 27,893 5,008 789 33,690
Lluçanès .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Maresme 59,297 10,829 5,362 75,488
Moianès 1,544 229 534 2,307
Montsià 8,964 925 776 10,665
Noguera 4,479 685 754 5,918
Osona 20,191 5,471 1,158 26,820
Pallars Jussà 1,413 300 159 1,872
Pallars Sobirà 547 319 117 983
Pla d'Urgell 4,365 1,078 882 6,325
Pla de l'Estany 4,171 1,075 495 5,741
Priorat 756 277 207 1,240
Ribera d'Ebre 2,246 545 423 3,214
Ripollès 2,495 568 302 3,365
Segarra 2,941 435 425 3,801
Segrià 27,998 4,938 481 33,417
Selva 21,830 2,388 2,878 27,096
Solsonès 1,629 421 170 2,220
Tarragonès 36,005 5,438 1,829 43,272
Terra Alta 1,020 298 209 1,527
Urgell 4,917 525 689 6,131
Vallès Occidental 140,043 16,250 8,323 164,616
Vallès Oriental 56,082 12,107 4,771 72,960
Catalonia 1,006,493 133,533 68,292 1,208,318
Units: Students.
Source: Idescat. Statistics on Commuting for Non-University Studies.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.
Located places of study by student's place of residence. Counties and Aran 2016/17
Place of residence
They live in the same municipality they study They live in rest of the county They live in the rest of Catalonia They live out of Catalonia Student residence is not given Total number of located places of study
Alt Camp 5,639 1,236 483 0 5 7,363
Alt Empordà 17,333 4,173 225 1 7 21,739
Alt Penedès 14,056 3,318 1,019 3 2 18,398
Alt Urgell 2,330 516 192 1 225 3,264
Alta Ribagorça 406 67 168 48 1 690
Anoia 15,542 4,257 872 0 27 20,698
Aran 919 332 68 10 3 1,332
Bages 22,599 4,881 1,414 7 401 29,302
Baix Camp 28,853 2,759 1,746 13 11 33,382
Baix Ebre 10,100 1,445 1,020 154 6 12,725
Baix Empordà 15,730 3,395 312 0 533 19,970
Baix Llobregat 112,716 13,778 4,590 29 530 131,643
Baix Penedès 12,849 2,763 1,116 1 0 16,729
Barcelonès 281,148 14,439 28,933 277 2,485 327,282
Berguedà 3,909 925 151 0 9 4,994
Cerdanya 1,572 485 26 0 28 2,111
Conca de Barberà 2,228 479 53 0 1 2,761
Garraf 19,524 2,099 770 1 5 22,399
Garrigues 1,674 558 114 1 0 2,347
Garrotxa 6,540 1,519 476 0 1 8,536
Gironès 27,893 5,008 4,320 7 202 37,430
Lluçanès .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Maresme 59,297 10,829 1,603 8 113 71,850
Moianès 1,544 229 55 0 0 1,828
Montsià 8,964 925 582 143 1 10,615
Noguera 4,479 685 399 4 3 5,570
Osona 20,191 5,471 1,268 2 42 26,974
Pallars Jussà 1,413 300 95 0 0 1,808
Pallars Sobirà 547 319 65 0 0 931
Pla d'Urgell 4,365 1,078 575 4 3 6,025
Pla de l'Estany 4,171 1,075 298 0 0 5,544
Priorat 756 277 106 0 0 1,139
Ribera d'Ebre 2,246 545 95 0 1 2,887
Ripollès 2,495 568 242 2 3 3,310
Segarra 2,941 435 158 0 176 3,710
Segrià 27,998 4,938 1,968 325 541 35,770
Selva 21,830 2,388 1,068 1 7 25,294
Solsonès 1,629 421 166 1 1 2,218
Tarragonès 36,005 5,438 3,591 30 22 45,086
Terra Alta 1,020 298 21 5 0 1,344
Urgell 4,917 525 608 2 2 6,054
Vallès Occidental 140,043 16,250 5,025 24 366 161,708
Vallès Oriental 56,082 12,107 2,236 2 226 70,653
Catalonia 1,006,493 133,533 68,292 1,106 5,989 1,215,413
Units: Students.
Source: Idescat. Statistics on Commuting for Non-University Studies.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.

Last update: November 9, 2017.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Resident Student
Population resident in the selected geographical area that study, regardless of whether they study in that geographical area or somewhere else.
Difference between the number of located places of study and the population resident in any given geographical area.
Located Places of Study
Places in the selected geographical area where the students study, whether or not they are resident in that geographical area.
Non-residents that study inside area
Persons that study in the selected geographical area but reside outside of this area.
Residents that study inside area
Persons that study in the same geographical area in which they reside.
Residents that study out-of-area
Persons resident in the selected geographical area that study in a different geographical area.

Methodological aspects

The Statistics on the obligatory mobility for study reasons of university and non-university students are obtained on the basis of a statistical treatment of the enrolment records of non-university students (Ministry of Education).

The data on the mobility of non-university students includes information on the population from the age of 3 years enrolled for infant, primary, compulsory secondary, pre-university and vocational education. These Statistics exclude children in infant education (0-2 years), special education schemes (music, dance, sports, languages, plastic arts and design, higher design, dramatic arts, conservation and restoration of cultural assets) and adult education.

The reference population is students enrolled at non-university education centres located in Catalonia.

The unit of analysis is people that travel for study reasons, based on a comparison between the municipality of residence and the municipality of study.

These Statistics are produced annually and the reference year is that of the start of the academic year. So, in 2011 information is analysed on the enrolments recorded in September for the 2011-2012 academic year. The series starts with data for 2011.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".