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Non-university education. Resident student and located places of study. Counties and Aran

Resident student and located places of study. Non-university education. Counties, areas and provinces 2013/14
Resident students that study inside area Non-resident students that study inside area Students of unknown residency that study inside area Resident students that study out-of-area Located places of study (1) Resident student (2) Difference (1)- (2)
Alt Camp 7,070 338 1 643 7,409 7,713 -304
Alt Empordà 21,271 149 7 743 21,427 22,014 -587
Alt Penedès 17,188 888 5 1,851 18,081 19,039 -958
Alt Urgell 2,964 151 224 197 3,339 3,161 178
Alta Ribagorça 480 171 4 53 655 533 122
Anoia 19,834 770 40 1,474 20,644 21,308 -664
Bages 28,588 1,118 587 925 30,293 29,513 780
Baix Camp 31,840 1,558 8 2,064 33,406 33,904 -498
Baix Ebre 12,195 1,122 10 582 13,327 12,777 550
Baix Empordà 19,498 290 39 1,174 19,827 20,672 -845
Baix Llobregat 126,014 3,756 77 12,391 129,847 138,405 -8,558
Baix Penedès 15,737 1,015 8 1,115 16,760 16,852 -92
Barcelonès 293,658 25,826 2,862 4,645 322,346 298,303 24,043
Berguedà 5,001 129 44 553 5,174 5,554 -380
Cerdanya 2,211 33 27 223 2,271 2,434 -163
Conca de Barberà 2,841 32 2 365 2,875 3,206 -331
Garraf 21,408 569 12 1,497 21,989 22,905 -916
Garrigues 2,342 64 1 388 2,407 2,730 -323
Garrotxa 7,851 386 0 498 8,237 8,349 -112
Gironès 31,450 3,844 844 570 36,138 32,020 4,118
Maresme 69,360 1,134 178 4,520 70,672 73,880 -3,208
Montsià 10,370 649 2 621 11,021 10,991 30
Noguera 5,324 309 2 633 5,635 5,957 -322
Osona 25,681 1,085 57 971 26,823 26,652 171
Pallars Jussà 1,790 75 1 134 1,866 1,924 -58
Pallars Sobirà 897 72 2 93 971 990 -19
Pla d'Urgell 5,375 471 2 744 5,848 6,119 -271
Pla de l'Estany 5,131 216 0 461 5,347 5,592 -245
Priorat 1,095 98 0 190 1,193 1,285 -92
Ribera d'Ebre 3,017 89 1 409 3,107 3,426 -319
Ripollès 3,068 165 4 234 3,237 3,302 -65
Segarra 3,366 146 283 337 3,795 3,703 92
Segrià 32,961 2,019 700 313 35,680 33,274 2,406
Selva 24,405 869 5 2,516 25,279 26,921 -1,642
Solsonès 2,134 203 6 139 2,343 2,273 70
Tarragonès 41,165 3,088 23 1,457 44,276 42,622 1,654
Terra Alta 1,390 17 0 218 1,407 1,608 -201
Urgell 5,490 480 2 586 5,972 6,076 -104
Val d'Aran 1,298 79 3 73 1,380 1,371 9
Vallès Occidental 152,507 4,159 1,142 7,345 157,808 159,852 -2,044
Vallès Oriental 68,686 1,668 69 4,128 70,423 72,814 -2,391
Catalonia 1,006,122 187,129 7,284 185,902 1,200,535 1,192,024 8,511
Metropolità 740,119 6,649 4,328 3,135 751,096 743,254 7,842
Comarques Gironines 117,528 1,065 899 1,342 119,492 118,870 622
Camp de Tarragona 87,942 1,183 34 788 89,159 88,730 429
Terres de l'Ebre 28,161 688 13 641 28,862 28,802 60
Ponent 57,433 914 990 426 59,337 57,859 1,478
Comarques Centrals 62,144 1,795 694 1,848 64,633 63,992 641
Alt Pirineu i Aran 9,846 375 261 567 10,482 10,413 69
Penedès 76,058 1,351 65 4,046 77,474 80,104 -2,630
Barcelona 865,765 3,329 5,073 2,624 874,167 868,389 5,778
Girona 119,237 1,264 926 1,468 121,427 120,705 722
Lleida 67,864 1,066 1,230 682 70,160 68,546 1,614
Tarragona 133,109 1,617 55 1,275 134,781 134,384 397
Units: Students.
Source: Idescat. Statistics on Commuting for Non-University Studies.
(1) Located places of study = Resident students that study inside area + Non-resident students that study inside area + Origin unknown.
(2) Resident student population = Resident students that study inside area + Resident students that study out-of-area.
Commuting non-university education. By place of residence and place of study. Counties, areas and provinces 2013/14
Place of study
The same municipality To rest of countie/ province To rest of area Territorial Plan To rest of Catalonia Total
Alt Camp 5,834 1,236 541 102 7,713
Alt Empordà 17,307 3,964 624 119 22,014
Alt Penedès 14,047 3,141 793 1,058 19,039
Alt Urgell 2,430 534 19 178 3,161
Alta Ribagorça 420 60 26 27 533
Anoia 15,810 4,024 279 1,195 21,308
Bages 23,974 4,614 238 687 29,513
Baix Camp 29,127 2,713 1,930 134 33,904
Baix Ebre 10,646 1,549 427 155 12,777
Baix Empordà 16,197 3,301 1,044 130 20,672
Baix Llobregat 112,439 13,575 11,511 880 138,405
Baix Penedès 13,073 2,664 406 709 16,852
Barcelonès 280,229 13,429 4,243 402 298,303
Berguedà 4,064 937 340 213 5,554
Cerdanya 1,697 514 88 135 2,434
Conca de Barberà 2,399 442 245 120 3,206
Garraf 19,375 2,033 413 1,084 22,905
Garrigues 1,803 539 338 50 2,730
Garrotxa 6,393 1,458 420 78 8,349
Gironès 26,567 4,883 464 106 32,020
Maresme 59,088 10,272 3,762 758 73,880
Montsià 9,497 873 530 91 10,991
Noguera 4,641 683 574 59 5,957
Osona 20,551 5,130 96 875 26,652
Pallars Jussà 1,475 315 22 112 1,924
Pallars Sobirà 571 326 41 52 990
Pla d'Urgell 4,269 1,106 718 26 6,119
Pla de l'Estany 4,073 1,058 445 16 5,592
Priorat 770 325 134 56 1,285
Ribera d'Ebre 2,415 602 92 317 3,426
Ripollès 2,499 569 84 150 3,302
Segarra 2,927 439 234 103 3,703
Segrià 28,279 4,682 182 131 33,274
Selva 22,108 2,297 1,773 743 26,921
Solsonès 1,737 397 66 73 2,273
Tarragonès 35,668 5,497 1,081 376 42,622
Terra Alta 1,094 296 140 78 1,608
Urgell 5,025 465 529 57 6,076
Val d'Aran 982 316 10 63 1,371
Vallès Occidental 137,345 15,162 6,985 360 159,852
Vallès Oriental 57,277 11,409 3,393 735 72,814
Catalonia 1,006,122 127,829 45,280 12,793 1,192,024
Metropolità 646,378 63,847 29,894 3,135 743,254
Comarques Gironines 95,144 17,530 4,854 1,342 118,870
Camp de Tarragona 73,798 10,213 3,931 788 88,730
Terres de l'Ebre 23,652 3,320 1,189 641 28,802
Ponent 46,944 7,914 2,575 426 57,859
Comarques Centrals 50,326 11,078 740 1,848 63,992
Alt Pirineu i Aran 7,575 2,065 206 567 10,413
Penedès 62,305 11,862 1,891 4,046 80,104
Barcelona 744,237 121,528 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 2,624 868,389
Girona 96,583 22,654 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 1,468 120,705
Lleida 54,779 13,085 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 682 68,546
Tarragona 110,523 22,586 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 1,275 134,384
Units: Students.
Source: Idescat. Statistics on Commuting for Non-University Studies.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.
Commuting non-university education. By place of residence and place of study. Counties, areas and provinces 2013/14
Place of residence
The same municipality To rest of countie/ province To rest of area Territorial Plan To rest of Catalonia Outside Catalonia Not stated Total
Alt Camp 5,834 1,236 221 117 0 1 7,409
Alt Empordà 17,307 3,964 136 12 1 7 21,427
Alt Penedès 14,047 3,141 537 349 2 5 18,081
Alt Urgell 2,430 534 97 52 2 224 3,339
Alta Ribagorça 420 60 30 76 65 4 655
Anoia 15,810 4,024 161 608 1 40 20,644
Bages 23,974 4,614 402 709 7 587 30,293
Baix Camp 29,127 2,713 1,303 241 14 8 33,406
Baix Ebre 10,646 1,549 684 288 150 10 13,327
Baix Empordà 16,197 3,301 276 14 0 39 19,827
Baix Llobregat 112,439 13,575 2,296 1,430 30 77 129,847
Baix Penedès 13,073 2,664 786 229 0 8 16,760
Barcelonès 280,229 13,429 22,042 3,435 349 2,862 322,346
Berguedà 4,064 937 91 38 0 44 5,174
Cerdanya 1,697 514 17 16 0 27 2,271
Conca de Barberà 2,399 442 15 17 0 2 2,875
Garraf 19,375 2,033 407 162 0 12 21,989
Garrigues 1,803 539 41 22 1 1 2,407
Garrotxa 6,393 1,458 330 54 2 0 8,237
Gironès 26,567 4,883 3,546 294 4 844 36,138
Maresme 59,088 10,272 793 340 1 178 70,672
Montsià 9,497 873 430 52 167 2 11,021
Noguera 4,641 683 284 23 2 2 5,635
Osona 20,551 5,130 170 912 3 57 26,823
Pallars Jussà 1,475 315 40 32 3 1 1,866
Pallars Sobirà 571 326 2 68 2 2 971
Pla d'Urgell 4,269 1,106 386 79 6 2 5,848
Pla de l'Estany 4,073 1,058 213 3 0 0 5,347
Priorat 770 325 46 48 4 0 1,193
Ribera d'Ebre 2,415 602 65 24 0 1 3,107
Ripollès 2,499 569 20 145 0 4 3,237
Segarra 2,927 439 101 44 1 283 3,795
Segrià 28,279 4,682 1,313 356 350 700 35,680
Selva 22,108 2,297 333 535 1 5 25,279
Solsonès 1,737 397 77 125 1 6 2,343
Tarragonès 35,668 5,497 2,346 716 26 23 44,276
Terra Alta 1,094 296 10 2 5 0 1,407
Urgell 5,025 465 450 29 1 2 5,972
Val d'Aran 982 316 20 56 3 3 1,380
Vallès Occidental 137,345 15,162 3,548 590 21 1,142 157,808
Vallès Oriental 57,277 11,409 1,215 451 2 69 70,423
Catalonia 1,006,122 127,829 45,280 12,793 1,227 7,284 1,200,535
Metropolità 646,378 63,847 29,894 6,246 403 4,328 751,096
Comarques Gironines 95,144 17,530 4,854 1,057 8 899 119,492
Camp de Tarragona 73,798 10,213 3,931 1,139 44 34 89,159
Terres de l'Ebre 23,652 3,320 1,189 366 322 13 28,862
Ponent 46,944 7,914 2,575 553 361 990 59,337
Comarques Centrals 50,326 11,078 740 1,784 11 694 64,633
Alt Pirineu i Aran 7,575 2,065 206 300 75 261 10,482
Penedès 62,305 11,862 1,891 1,348 3 65 77,474
Barcelona 744,237 121,528 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 2,913 416 5,073 874,167
Girona 96,583 22,654 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 1,256 8 926 121,427
Lleida 54,779 13,085 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 629 437 1,230 70,160
Tarragona 110,523 22,586 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 1,251 366 55 134,781
Units: Students.
Source: Idescat. Statistics on Commuting for Non-University Studies.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.

Last update: December 3, 2015.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Resident Student
Population resident in the selected geographical area that study, regardless of whether they study in that geographical area or somewhere else.
Difference between the number of located places of study and the population resident in any given geographical area.
Located Places of Study
Places in the selected geographical area where the students study, whether or not they are resident in that geographical area.
Non-residents that study inside area
Persons that study in the selected geographical area but reside outside of this area.
Residents that study inside area
Persons that study in the same geographical area in which they reside.
Residents that study out-of-area
Persons resident in the selected geographical area that study in a different geographical area.

Methodological aspects

The Statistics on the obligatory mobility for study reasons of university and non-university students are obtained on the basis of a statistical treatment of the enrolment records of non-university students (Ministry of Education).

The data on the mobility of non-university students includes information on the population from the age of 3 years enrolled for infant, primary, compulsory secondary, pre-university and vocational education. These Statistics exclude children in infant education (0-2 years), special education schemes (music, dance, sports, languages, plastic arts and design, higher design, dramatic arts, conservation and restoration of cultural assets) and adult education.

The reference population is students enrolled at non-university education centres located in Catalonia.

The unit of analysis is people that travel for study reasons, based on a comparison between the municipality of residence and the municipality of study.

These Statistics are produced annually and the reference year is that of the start of the academic year. So, in 2011 information is analysed on the enrolments recorded in September for the 2011-2012 academic year. The series starts with data for 2011.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".