Generalitat public sector. Consolidated budget. Income. By chapters
Generalitat subsector | SCS, ICS and ICASS | Administrative autonomous entities | Commercial & financial aut. entities | Public law entities | Commercial companies | Consortiums | Foundations | Unconsolidated total | Consolidated income | Consolidated total | |
Income | 26,684.64 | 12,017.41 | 595.81 | 155.25 | 4,798.65 | 2,633.09 | 1,964.77 | 91.60 | 48,941.23 | 16,722.68 | 32,218.55 |
Income (I + II + III) | 6,338.62 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 6,338.62 | 0.00 | 6,338.62 |
1. Direct taxes | 10,917.64 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 10,917.64 | 0.00 | 10,917.64 |
2. Indirect taxes | 583.30 | 109.71 | 91.97 | 32.88 | 1,141.60 | 682.08 | 1,212.64 | 45.72 | 3,899.90 | 1,379.93 | 2,519.97 |
3. Rates, sales of goods and services and other income | 6,582.28 | 11,591.44 | 469.68 | 20.46 | 392.92 | 71.23 | 608.42 | 36.02 | 19,772.45 | 12,733.04 | 7,039.41 |
4. Current transfers | 48.60 | 0.30 | 0.86 | 9.61 | 137.77 | 41.46 | 2.41 | 0.21 | 241.22 | 36.44 | 204.78 |
5. Capitalizations | 24,470.40 | 11,701.45 | 562.50 | 62.96 | 1,672.30 | 794.77 | 1,823.47 | 81.96 | 41,169.84 | 14,149.42 | 27,020.42 |
I. Current operations (1 to 5) | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 222.35 | 983.86 | 7.38 | 0.00 | 1,213.59 | 948.46 | 265.13 |
6. Transfer of real investments | 247.18 | 254.81 | 33.11 | 18.04 | 420.62 | 15.22 | 83.60 | 7.67 | 1,080.27 | 597.97 | 482.30 |
7. Transfers of capital | 247.18 | 254.81 | 33.11 | 18.04 | 642.98 | 999.09 | 90.98 | 7.67 | 2,293.86 | 1,546.43 | 747.43 |
II. Capital operations (6 and 7) | 24,717.62 | 11,956.26 | 595.61 | 81.00 | 2,315.27 | 1,793.85 | 1,914.45 | 89.63 | 43,463.70 | 15,695.85 | 27,767.85 |
Subtotal non-financial operations (I + II) | 0.00 | 61.15 | 0.20 | 16.73 | 1,060.45 | 383.49 | 42.56 | 1.97 | 1,566.55 | 1,026.83 | 539.73 |
8. Change in financial assets | 1,967.02 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 57.52 | 1,422.93 | 455.75 | 7.76 | 0.00 | 3,910.97 | 0.00 | 3,910.97 |
9. Change in financial liabilities | 1,967.02 | 61.15 | 0.20 | 74.25 | 2,483.38 | 839.24 | 50.32 | 1.97 | 5,477.53 | 1,026.83 | 4,450.70 |
Units: Milions d'euros. | |||||||||||
Source: Ministry of Economy and Knowledge. |
Last update: May 29, 2012.
Methodological note
Definition of concepts
- Consolidated budget
- Budget made by several public entities once they have compensated for their internal transfers.
- Income budget. Change in financial liabilities
- Income obtained from the State and its autonomous bodies, proceeding from issues of debt and loans and repayments received of deposits.
- Expenditure budget. Change in financial assets
- Credit and capital subsidies received by public entities destined for the creation or increase of capital wealth; also includes funds destined for constituted deposits.
- Income budget. Transfer of real investments
- Income derived from the sale of capital assets that are the property of the relevant public body.
- Income budget. Direct taxes
- Taxes coming from those that are applied to the possession of wealth and the obtainment of income.
- Income budget. Indirect taxes
- Taxes coming from those that are applied to the use of wealth and the circulation of goods and services.
- Income budget. Capitalizations
- Income coming from the property or patrimony of the relevant public body and from the activities carried out under terms of private right.
- Income budget. Rates and other income
- Income derived from the use of the public domain, the provision of a public service, or the execution of an administrative activity that refers to the passive subject, and which is affected by or benefits from it in a particular way.
- Income budget. Current transfers
- Earnings received by public bodies, without a direct counter-payment and that are aimed at financing current operations.
- Income budget. Transfers of capital
- Earnings received by public bodies, without a direct counter-payment and that are aimed at financing capital operations.
Methodological aspects
Els pressupostos públics són el pla econòmic i financer associat a l'estratègia del Govern. Són una eina per a la planificació, programació, control, seguiment i avaluació de les actuacions del sector públic. Tenen caràcter anual i en ells s'hi especifiquen les previsions dels ingressos que ''esperen obtenir i les despeses (crèdits) que com a màxim es podran reconèixer durant l'exercici. Els aprova el Parlament com a llei específica.
A general vision is offered of the public sector in Catalonia, made up of autonomous, local and state administrations. Also included are economic relations with the European Union.
The first part refers to the Generalitat's budget and contains the preventive budget, by functions and chapters, the consolidated budget and the liquidated budget, as well as real investments in Catalan counties. Also presented are the budgets of autonomous administrative, commercial and financial, public law and commercial entities, and of those that manage Social Security and the Catalan Radio and Television Corporation.
Included a table for income and expenditure, by chapters, in accordance with the metodology ESA, a coherent and detailed set of accounts and tables that enable a systematic, comparable and complete view of economic activity in the European Union member states.
The chapter concludes with data of the personnel of the catalan public administrations of the Governances and Institutional Relations Ministries through the Espai d'anàlisi de l'ocupació pública.
Recently, Law 23/2010, of July 22, divides Catalonia into eight territorial planning areas with the incorporation of the Penedès region. This new territorial area includes the counties of Alt Penedès, l'Anoia, el Baix Penedès and el Garraf. In consequence, the territorial boundaries of the area of Metropolità, Comarques centrals and Camp de Tarragona are modified, and their data is therefore not directly comparable with previous years.
When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".
Available tables [+]
- Demography · Society
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- Main aggregates
- Companies · Finances
Public sector finance
Regional Administration
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Budget. By chapters
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Budget. By origin of income
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Budget. Expenditure. By sections
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Budget. Entities managing Social Security
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Budget. CatSalut and autonomous entities
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Budget. Bodies governed by public law
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Budget. Commercial companies
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Budget. Consortiums
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Budget. Foundations
- Generalitat public sector. Budget. Income and expenditure. By chapters
- Generalitat public sector. Budget (ESA). Income and expenditure. By chapters
- Generalitat public sector. Consolidated budget. Income. By chapters
- Generalitat public sector. Consolidated budget. Expenditure. By chapters
- Generalitat public sector. Budget. Expenditure. By areas and expenditure policies
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Liquidated budget. Income and expenditure. By chapters
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Real investments budgeted. Counties and Aran, and areas
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Real liquidated investments. Counties and Aran, and areas
- Generalitat de Catalunya. Tax collection
- Local Government
- State Administration
- European Union
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