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Seasonal population estimates. By quarters. Counties

Seasonal population estimates (base 2016). By quarters. Counties 2019
AFTE seasonal population
Resident population Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Total AFTE population AFTE population (%)
Alt Camp 44,296 -48 -239 -533 -117 -240 44,056 99.5
Alt Empordà 141,339 1,501 16,151 47,790 3,486 17,338 158,677 112.3
Alt Penedès 108,411 -4,350 -4,578 -5,215 -4,028 -4,525 103,886 95.8
Alt Urgell 20,177 -419 -128 860 -311 21 20,198 100.1
Alta Ribagorça 3,802 750 603 1,935 376 920 4,722 124.2
Anoia 120,738 -5,659 -6,296 -6,794 -5,772 -6,129 114,609 94.9
Aran 10,093 4,209 661 2,884 1,549 2,298 12,391 122.8
Bages 178,885 -2,181 -3,542 -7,616 -2,675 -4,023 174,862 97.8
Baix Camp 190,973 -4,109 9,201 26,055 -957 7,605 198,578 104.0
Baix Ebre 77,596 927 3,292 8,445 1,353 3,501 81,097 104.5
Baix Empordà 134,359 4,060 23,895 80,311 5,014 28,475 162,834 121.2
Baix Llobregat 825,963 -21,309 -31,483 -59,914 -19,834 -33,254 792,709 96.0
Baix Penedès 104,991 2,609 9,836 39,403 4,506 14,181 119,172 113.5
Barcelonès 2,278,437 97,270 75,096 -97,764 89,416 40,657 2,319,094 101.8
Berguedà 39,446 -723 166 3,112 -302 581 40,027 101.5
Cerdanya 18,192 2,466 2,356 8,069 1,979 3,716 21,908 120.4
Conca de Barberà 20,042 216 825 1,284 390 677 20,719 103.4
Garraf 150,887 -6,927 -4,914 1,529 -7,034 -4,312 146,575 97.1
Garrigues 18,833 -598 -678 -773 -690 -685 18,148 96.4
Garrotxa 57,590 -704 -1,418 -1,564 -886 -1,150 56,440 98.0
Gironès 193,908 9,369 7,633 405 8,226 6,244 200,152 103.2
Maresme 452,690 -22,191 -2,970 17,872 -18,480 -6,340 446,350 98.6
Moianès 13,603 -784 -601 192 -759 -484 13,119 96.4
Montsià 67,436 -1,541 -1,196 2,169 -1,225 -444 66,992 99.3
Noguera 38,770 -1,155 -1,030 -1,066 -1,263 -1,103 37,667 97.2
Osona 160,821 137 -521 -3,738 -94 -1,071 159,750 99.3
Pallars Jussà 13,080 -128 257 1,201 -54 319 13,399 102.4
Pallars Sobirà 6,932 1,011 1,693 5,177 837 2,186 9,118 131.5
Pla d'Urgell 36,693 -855 -1,204 -1,802 -1,113 -1,240 35,453 96.6
Pla de l'Estany 32,293 -779 -896 -807 -929 -871 31,422 97.3
Priorat 9,245 -37 237 767 106 268 9,513 102.9
Ribera d'Ebre 21,865 -422 -249 -48 -328 -263 21,602 98.8
Ripollès 25,087 904 1,540 6,004 920 2,361 27,448 109.4
Segarra 23,052 -188 -400 -1,093 -288 -491 22,561 97.9
Segrià 209,818 1,760 1,921 -7,556 1,253 -595 209,223 99.7
Selva 171,617 2,924 30,001 63,062 8,080 26,089 197,706 115.2
Solsonès 13,469 431 728 1,711 458 838 14,307 106.2
Tarragonès 256,730 7,708 50,347 89,765 17,676 41,536 298,266 116.2
Terra Alta 11,490 -230 133 718 -82 133 11,623 101.2
Urgell 36,693 -1,014 -1,337 -2,167 -1,189 -1,428 35,265 96.1
Vallès Occidental 925,237 -2,658 -13,679 -61,416 -6,253 -21,172 904,065 97.7
Vallès Oriental 409,638 -10,633 -14,708 -22,984 -12,066 -15,109 394,529 96.3
Source: Idescat. Seasonal population estimates (base 2016).
AFTE seasonal population: People in annual full time equivalents (AFTE).
AFTE population (%): Population AFTE (%) = Population AFTE / Resident population x 100.

Last update: November 25, 2020.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

AFTE seasonal population
The result of the balance between entries of population not resident in the municipality and exits of population resident in the municipality, measured as an annual average number of people per day (annual full time equivalents).
AFTE population
Population resident in a municipality, measured as the annual average of people per day (annual full time equivalents). It is the equivalent to the sum of the resident population and the entries of non resident population in the municipality minus the exits of the population resident in the municipality.
Resident population
Registered population in the municipality.

Methodological aspects

The seasonal population estimates constitute an estimation of the population burdens supported by each municipality and measure the number of people there are in a municipality as a yearly average and a quarterly average. The calculation includes people that have some sort of association or relation with the municipality, whether that is because they reside there, work there, study there or despite not having their regular residence there, spend some period of time there (holidays, summer breaks, weekends, etc.), either in their own homes or in those of friends and family or in tourist establishments (hotels, campsites, apartments, tourist accommodations, etc.). Movements without overnight stays due to work and studies are considered, and also due to tourism in the base 2021. In contrast, movements without overnight stays for other reasons (such as leisure, shopping or medical visits) are not considered.

The measurement unit for seasonal population estimates are annual full time equivalents. Every day that a person is present in a municipality equates to 1/365 annual full time equivalents (AFTE). So, for example, a person who spends a week's holiday in a municipality equates to 0.02 AFTE.

In 2022, Idescat improved the estimate of the seasonal population. The territorial disaggregation was expanded to offer results for all municipalities with 1,000 inhabitants and over (either registered or AFTE population). An estimate of overnight stays in tourist accommodations and an estimate of hikers for tourist purposes have been added. A new base 2021 has been established to collect these methodological changes.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.