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Seasonal population estimates. By quarters. Counties

Seasonal population estimates (base 2002). By quarters. Counties 2010
AFTE seasonal population
Resident population Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Total AFTE population AFTE population (%)
Alt Camp 45,326 75 207 1,105 219 403 45,729 100.9
Alt Empordà 140,262 2,708 14,060 53,018 3,595 18,451 158,713 113.2
Alt Penedès 104,589 -793 -773 -317 -660 -625 103,964 99.4
Alt Urgell 22,005 656 1,024 2,914 872 1,369 23,374 106.2
Alta Ribagorça 4,278 845 697 2,332 446 1,082 5,360 125.3
Anoia 118,057 -4,425 -4,354 -3,098 -4,328 -4,050 114,007 96.6
Bages 185,117 -4,307 -5,087 -8,342 -4,419 -5,551 179,566 97.0
Baix Camp 190,440 -44 7,565 31,651 1,108 10,126 200,566 105.3
Baix Ebre 82,222 234 1,338 4,086 583 1,555 83,777 101.9
Baix Empordà 133,221 7,825 23,023 94,565 8,535 33,650 166,871 125.3
Baix Llobregat 798,468 -20,768 -25,949 -43,953 -21,097 -28,035 770,433 96.5
Baix Penedès 99,786 9,390 15,823 70,172 9,698 26,387 126,173 126.4
Barcelonès 2,251,029 37,124 21,746 -193,863 38,188 -24,804 2,226,225 98.9
Berguedà 41,683 -93 835 4,056 316 1,289 42,972 103.1
Cerdanya 18,549 3,243 3,859 14,275 3,072 6,126 24,675 133.0
Conca de Barberà 21,437 577 954 2,334 687 1,139 22,576 105.3
Garraf 144,657 -3,950 -639 13,108 -3,619 1,251 145,908 100.9
Garrigues 20,413 -23 117 465 51 168 20,581 100.8
Garrotxa 55,439 209 188 1,912 271 630 56,069 101.1
Gironès 181,153 7,194 6,530 -1,438 6,502 4,608 185,761 102.5
Maresme 430,997 -13,908 2,755 41,964 -10,044 5,291 436,288 101.2
Montsià 72,333 -896 -704 1,277 -898 -317 72,016 99.6
Noguera 40,130 -372 -18 668 -206 27 40,157 100.1
Osona 153,499 81 -143 -3,461 -3 -903 152,596 99.4
Pallars Jussà 13,978 499 900 2,198 624 1,060 15,038 107.6
Pallars Sobirà 7,646 940 1,414 4,832 762 1,998 9,644 126.1
Pla d'Urgell 37,371 -880 -913 -1,140 -828 -923 36,448 97.5
Pla de l'Estany 30,660 -371 -517 -204 -456 -403 30,257 98.7
Priorat 10,145 288 519 1,394 364 645 10,790 106.4
Ribera d'Ebre 24,082 -207 -301 -785 -259 -397 23,685 98.4
Ripollès 26,580 1,546 2,040 6,939 1,502 3,008 29,588 111.3
Segarra 22,940 178 334 315 298 286 23,226 101.2
Segrià 205,724 4,261 5,201 -2,148 5,111 3,191 208,915 101.6
Selva 171,037 6,612 30,568 74,669 9,971 30,539 201,576 117.9
Solsonès 13,730 698 1,037 2,052 819 1,154 14,884 108.4
Tarragonès 249,718 17,634 51,832 118,108 24,091 53,081 302,799 121.3
Terra Alta 12,931 218 298 277 245 260 13,191 102.0
Urgell 37,322 -325 -143 -12 -207 -159 37,163 99.6
Val d'Aran 10,206 3,750 875 4,286 1,531 2,601 12,807 125.5
Vallès Occidental 886,530 -12,351 -19,297 -67,245 -14,581 -28,548 857,982 96.8
Vallès Oriental 396,691 -8,340 -9,521 -14,687 -8,996 -10,410 386,281 97.4
Source: Idescat. Seasonal population estimates (base 2002).
AFTE seasonal population: People in annual full time equivalents (AFTE).
AFTE population (%): Population AFTE (%) = Population AFTE / Resident population x 100.

Last update: April 17, 2012.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

AFTE seasonal population
The result of the balance between entries of population not resident in the municipality and exits of population resident in the municipality, measured as an annual average number of people per day (annual full time equivalents).
AFTE population
Population resident in a municipality, measured as the annual average of people per day (annual full time equivalents). It is the equivalent to the sum of the resident population and the entries of non resident population in the municipality minus the exits of the population resident in the municipality.
Resident population
Registered population in the municipality.

Methodological aspects

The seasonal population estimates constitute an estimation of the population burdens supported by each municipality and measure the number of people there are in a municipality as a yearly average and a quarterly average. The calculation includes people that have some sort of association or relation with the municipality, whether that is because they reside there, work there, study there or despite not having their regular residence there, spend some period of time there (holidays, summer breaks, weekends, etc.), either in their own homes or in those of friends and family or in tourist establishments (hotels, campsites, apartments, tourist accommodations, etc.). Movements without overnight stays due to work and studies are considered, and also due to tourism in the base 2021. In contrast, movements without overnight stays for other reasons (such as leisure, shopping or medical visits) are not considered.

The measurement unit for seasonal population estimates are annual full time equivalents. Every day that a person is present in a municipality equates to 1/365 annual full time equivalents (AFTE). So, for example, a person who spends a week's holiday in a municipality equates to 0.02 AFTE.

In 2022, Idescat improved the estimate of the seasonal population. The territorial disaggregation was expanded to offer results for all municipalities with 1,000 inhabitants and over (either registered or AFTE population). An estimate of overnight stays in tourist accommodations and an estimate of hikers for tourist purposes have been added. A new base 2021 has been established to collect these methodological changes.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.