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Seasonal population estimates. By quarters. Counties

Seasonal population estimates (base 2002). By quarters. Counties 2004
AFTE seasonal population
Resident population Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Total AFTE population AFTE population (%)
Alt Camp 38,824 -132 298 1,186 196 380 39,204 101.0
Alt Empordà 112,439 3,111 16,277 50,704 4,241 18,626 131,065 116.6
Alt Penedès 89,444 51 509 1,187 277 517 89,961 100.6
Alt Urgell 20,315 428 779 1,949 677 941 21,256 104.6
Alta Ribagorça 3,796 778 711 2,126 379 998 4,794 126.3
Anoia 101,748 -1,977 -1,827 -568 -2,260 -1,657 100,091 98.4
Bages 165,123 -1,932 -1,874 -4,749 -1,851 -2,581 162,542 98.4
Baix Camp 161,090 -282 10,509 32,339 2,971 11,404 172,494 107.1
Baix Ebre 71,708 -504 23 1,011 -108 93 71,801 100.1
Baix Empordà 115,566 4,646 21,476 86,230 6,534 29,813 145,379 125.8
Baix Llobregat 741,024 -25,525 -29,431 -40,086 -26,769 -30,530 710,494 95.9
Baix Penedès 73,665 8,296 18,395 68,021 11,185 26,557 100,222 136.0
Barcelonès 2,193,380 23,628 -15,702 -206,015 9,755 -47,560 2,145,820 97.8
Berguedà 39,224 -293 331 2,763 27 712 39,936 101.8
Cerdanya 16,065 2,597 3,223 11,344 2,260 4,864 20,929 130.3
Conca de Barberà 19,589 472 1,101 2,328 572 1,113 20,702 105.7
Garraf 122,229 -2,037 1,834 14,685 -1,059 3,376 125,605 102.8
Garrigues 19,210 -314 -235 189 -210 -137 19,073 99.3
Garrotxa 50,616 -357 -353 1,331 -507 31 50,647 100.1
Gironès 154,274 4,494 4,205 -1,908 5,073 2,939 157,213 101.9
Maresme 386,573 -13,618 4,696 42,206 -8,741 6,200 392,773 101.6
Montsià 61,989 -1,036 -724 1,827 -655 -167 61,822 99.7
Noguera 36,394 -348 -250 503 -282 -107 36,287 99.7
Osona 138,630 102 -429 -2,713 -209 -812 137,818 99.4
Pallars Jussà 12,712 236 536 1,431 293 621 13,333 104.9
Pallars Sobirà 6,666 1,022 1,199 4,043 692 1,749 8,415 126.2
Pla d'Urgell 31,757 -552 -414 -630 -150 -423 31,334 98.7
Pla de l'Estany 27,141 -765 -1,003 -847 -836 -874 26,267 96.8
Priorat 9,521 -64 223 1,017 46 306 9,827 103.2
Ribera d'Ebre 22,632 -695 -671 -1,011 -648 -761 21,871 96.6
Ripollès 26,162 361 883 4,525 517 1,589 27,751 106.1
Segarra 20,166 28 129 295 142 154 20,320 100.8
Segrià 176,618 4,630 6,038 449 6,628 4,509 181,127 102.6
Selva 136,738 7,167 29,916 70,887 11,275 29,829 166,567 121.8
Solsonès 12,297 591 1,067 1,837 844 1,088 13,385 108.8
Tarragonès 202,662 14,849 56,797 120,820 25,231 54,522 257,184 126.9
Terra Alta 12,464 -350 -290 -338 -288 -321 12,143 97.4
Urgell 33,038 -313 -379 -68 -292 -263 32,775 99.2
Val d'Aran 8,832 4,255 1,405 4,719 1,774 3,022 11,854 134.2
Vallès Occidental 790,432 3,624 -5,597 -46,976 -210 -12,404 778,028 98.4
Vallès Oriental 350,566 -4,137 -4,769 -8,507 -4,465 -5,489 345,077 98.4
Source: Idescat. Seasonal population estimates (base 2002).
AFTE seasonal population: People in annual full time equivalents (AFTE).
AFTE population (%): Population AFTE (%) = Population AFTE / Resident population x 100.

Last update: April 17, 2012.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

AFTE seasonal population
The result of the balance between entries of population not resident in the municipality and exits of population resident in the municipality, measured as an annual average number of people per day (annual full time equivalents).
AFTE population
Population resident in a municipality, measured as the annual average of people per day (annual full time equivalents). It is the equivalent to the sum of the resident population and the entries of non resident population in the municipality minus the exits of the population resident in the municipality.
Resident population
Registered population in the municipality.

Methodological aspects

The seasonal population estimates constitute an estimation of the population burdens supported by each municipality and measure the number of people there are in a municipality as a yearly average and a quarterly average. The calculation includes people that have some sort of association or relation with the municipality, whether that is because they reside there, work there, study there or despite not having their regular residence there, spend some period of time there (holidays, summer breaks, weekends, etc.), either in their own homes or in those of friends and family or in tourist establishments (hotels, campsites, apartments, tourist accommodations, etc.). Movements without overnight stays due to work and studies are considered, and also due to tourism in the base 2021. In contrast, movements without overnight stays for other reasons (such as leisure, shopping or medical visits) are not considered.

The measurement unit for seasonal population estimates are annual full time equivalents. Every day that a person is present in a municipality equates to 1/365 annual full time equivalents (AFTE). So, for example, a person who spends a week's holiday in a municipality equates to 0.02 AFTE.

In 2022, Idescat improved the estimate of the seasonal population. The territorial disaggregation was expanded to offer results for all municipalities with 1,000 inhabitants and over (either registered or AFTE population). An estimate of overnight stays in tourist accommodations and an estimate of hikers for tourist purposes have been added. A new base 2021 has been established to collect these methodological changes.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.