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Personnel of the Generalitat de Catalunya. By collective and sex

Personnel of the Generalitat de Catalunya. By collective and sex Catalonia. 2019
Men Women Total
Administration of justice 1,551 5,562 7,113
Administration and services 20,388 36,302 56,690
Rural agents 429 65 494
Security forces 14,013 3,901 17,914
Teachers 19,313 55,642 74,955
Fire fighting 2,360 44 2,404
Health institutions 11,388 39,327 50,715
Researchers 803 769 1,572
Penitentiary services 2,211 1,316 3,527
Total 72,456 142,928 215,384
Source: Ministry for Digital Policy and Public Administration.

Last update: October 5, 2020.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Rural agent
Professional belonging to the body responsible for surveillance, control, protection, integral prevention and collaboration in the field of environmental management. The members of this body are agents of the authority and exercise duties in relation to special and legal administrative policing, under the terms established by the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia.
Security forces
Professional group formed by the staff belonging to the Mossos d'Esquadra, of all scales and categories, as an ordinary and integral police force that exercises the duties that the legal system attributes to security forces and bodies, and by the facultative and technical staff that provide cover and support for the aforesaid policing. In the case of Local Administration, this includes the group of guards and local police officers.
Education professional that provides services in public education centres for the periods of compulsory education, high school and vocational training, or in special environments, such as penitentiary centres, official language schools and adult training centres.
Professional whose activity is centred on providing services for the prevention and extinguishing of fires and rescue services as part of the Government of Catalonia's fire service or as specialised technical staff that provide support and assistance to the operative staff. In the case of Local Administrations, this includes the body of fire-fighters belonging to the same.
Scientist or engineer implies in the design or creation of new knowledge, products, processes, methods and systems and the management of said projects.
Legal administration staff
Staff that provide auxiliary and instrumental services for different legal bodies based in Catalonia. Includes both the staff of general bodies, whose duties essentially consist of dealing with procedural content and performing administrative duties related to these (procedural and administrative management and processing bodies and the legal auxiliary body) and the staff of the special body of forensic pathologists.
Administration and services staff
Heterogeneous group of professionals mainly made up of the staff that perform bureaucratic duties of a technical and administrative nature, along with service providers (social educators, children's educators, staff of old people's homes, etc.), professionals subject to a labour regime, subalterns, veterinary surgeons and the staff of penitentiary centres that do not work in the vigilance and control of inmates.
Healthcare institution staff
Group made up of healthcare staff, such as doctors, nurses, and specialists in clinical analyses, radiology, etc., as well as local healthcare providers, who offer services in public health centres, and the administrative and service staff in these centres, subject to different regimes, such as statutory health, general functionary and common labour.
Penitentiary services staff
Professional who performs duties in relation to the custody, control and vigilance of people and assets, and who enables the operation and order of all types of penitentiary centres and institutions.

Methodological aspects

The data on staff of Catalan public administrations is taken from the Ministry of the Presidency through the Technical Support and Studies Cabinet, in order to generate and foster the production of empirical, quantitative and qualitative data on public employment in Catalonia.

The Databank on Public Employment contains statistics since 2004 on the number of staff employed by Catalan Public Administrations: Generalitat de Catalunya, Local Administration, universities, parliamentary entities and independent bodies.