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Professional, scientific and specialist activities. Main results. By branches

Professional, scientific and specialist activities. Main results. By branches CCAE-2009 Catalonia. 2017
Legal and accounting Head office and business consulting Technical serv., architecture & engineering, tech. analysis Research and development Advertising and market analysis Other professional and specialist Veterinary Total
Companies (number) 25,270 5,456 19,776 1,392 9,000 15,653 1,419 77,965
Establishments (number) 26,060 5,679 20,216 1,559 9,327 16,147 1,514 80,502
Employed persons (number) 69,533 26,473 50,145 15,523 27,953 27,505 4,323 221,455
Operating income 4,927,484 3,341,899 4,223,958 1,209,284 4,255,139 1,734,525 206,271 19,898,560
Turnover 4,830,137 3,025,042 4,090,001 559,509 4,165,011 1,641,498 199,648 18,510,846
Work done for the asset 1,677 15,425 43,501 80,464 2,826 51,939 268 196,100
Operating subsidies 1,721 14,347 47,933 520,057 12,700 25,792 990 623,541
Other operating income 93,949 287,083 42,523 49,253 74,602 15,297 5,365 568,073
Invent. var. prim. mat., supplies and merchandise -4,660 -4,944 -1,796 1,989 773 796 67 -7,776
Inventory variation in products finished and in progress 4,078 2,075 16,914 -292 2,594 4,485 339 30,193
Operating expenses 3,825,253 3,625,584 3,642,913 1,224,932 3,971,170 1,279,903 181,054 17,750,809
Consumption of goods 13,091 136,690 97,564 31,516 1,552,639 38,590 47,646 1,917,736
Consumption of raw materials and other supplies 108,618 190,075 473,201 81,203 202,459 104,786 20,437 1,180,778
Work done by other companies 304,084 290,103 785,789 89,493 547,107 243,215 9,886 2,269,678
Personnel costs 1,659,148 1,391,766 1,282,986 554,114 792,295 501,038 64,116 6,245,464
Wages and salaries 1,321,972 1,126,353 1,003,244 434,181 637,977 397,629 50,804 4,972,159
Social burdens and other personnel costs 337,176 265,414 279,742 119,933 154,319 103,409 13,312 1,273,304
Expenditure on external services 1,615,200 1,180,546 882,230 320,294 725,311 315,407 34,950 5,073,939
Provision for amortizations 77,204 106,538 86,138 113,090 81,760 65,053 3,441 533,223
Other operating expenses 47,909 329,865 35,006 35,222 69,599 11,814 578 529,992
Gross investment in tangible assets 76,033 199,155 71,575 63,671 37,862 40,065 10,032 498,392
Gross investment in intangible assets 30,491 65,476 144,115 83,930 8,405 62,009 137 394,564
Result of the financial year 123,258 -454,389 227,880 -22,635 370,318 151,098 3,833 399,364
Units: Thousands of euros.
Source: Idescat, based on the INE's Structural business statistics in the service sector.

Last update: November 28, 2019.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Consumption of goods
Number of purchases of goods (assets acquired by the company to be resold without subjecting them to a transformation process) made by the company during the reference year, less the changes in good inventories. The purchases are accounted for without including VAT and in net terms, in other words, by deducting discounts for immediate payment, sales returns and quantity discounts.
Personnel costs
Total amount of payments made by the company as wages and salaries, compensations, Social Security paid by the company and other social costs (long term retributions via contributory systems or defined allowances, retributions to personnel via patrimony instruments and other social expenses).
Operating expenses
TTotal amount obtained as a result of adding up the different expenses linked to the operations performed by the company: consumption and work performed by other companies, personnel expenses, external services and other operating expenses.
Expenditure on external services
Sum of all the different operating expenses incurred by the company during the reference year, including R&D expenses, leases and fees, repairs and maintenance, services of independent professionals, third-party transport, non-social insurance premiums, banking services and the like, advertising, publicity and public relations, supplies and other services.
The smallest combination of legal units constituting an organisational unit for the production of goods or services, one having certain autonomy in terms of decision-making, principally for allocating the resources it has at its disposal.
Operating revenue
Total amount obtained as a result of aggregating the different revenue associated to the operation.
Gross investment in intangible assets
Amount of expenditure (acquisitions or own production) on research and development activities, investment in IT applications and other intangible assets, such as concessions, patents, licences, trade funds, similar rights and others. These operations are accounted for by their total value without including VAT.
Gross investment in material assets
Amount of the increases in value produced for different types of asset, which originate from purchases of new or used assets from third parties, from the production of one's own assets or from work done by the company or third parties on already existing elements in order to increase production capacity, performance or useful life. This is the gross investment. Until 2007, the investment was calculated as a difference between real increases in the value of capital and the sales of said resources. Investment operations are accounted for as their total value. Purchases are valued at acquisition cost, without including deductible VAT but including transport, installation costs, registration and notary costs and other non deductible taxes. Work done by the company using its resources is valued at cost price. Does not include investments in property made to obtain income or capital gains.
Annual balance
Total amount of the profit or loss for the year as obtained as a consequence of the company's activity.
Changes in inventories of raw materials, other supplies and goods
Amount corresponding to the difference between the final inventories and initial inventories of raw materials, other supplies and goods. These inventories are valued at acquisition cost.
Changes in inventories in products finished and in progress
Amount corresponding to the difference between the final and initial inventories of the different products (finished, semi-finished and in progress, by-products, waste and recovered materials) manufactured by the company. These inventories are valued at production cost.
It includes the amounts invoiced by the company during the reference year for sales of goods and services corresponding to the company's ordinary activities. These sales are accounted for in net terms, in other words, by deducting sales discounts for immediate payment, sales returns, the value of returned packaging and quantity discounts. The taxes and duties on invoiced goods and services are included but the VAT transferred to the customer is excluded.

Methodological aspects

The Structural Business Statistics in the Service Sector, called the Annual Services Survey prior to the reference year 2014, is a sample-based survey that is produced annually by the INE in order to study the economic characteristics of companies in almost all of the market services sector (number of establishments, employment, income and operating costs, etc.) and estimate the main micromagnitudes. Idescat makes a detailed treatment for Catalonia and collaborates with the publishing of questionnaires.

The information about professional, scientific and technical activities, administrative and support service activities; that Idescat has produced using data from the from the INE is presented in two tables: main results and macromagnitudes.

Since 2008, the Annual services survey has been adapted to the new National classification of economic activities (CNAE-2009). This change involves a shift in the series that prevents inter-annual comparison between most sectors and some variables.

The correspondences between the sectors used and the Catalan classification of economic activities (CCAE-2009) is as follows:

CCAE-2009Groups of activities
45Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
46Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
47Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
49-53Transportation and storage
55,56Accommodation and food service activities
58-63Information and communication
68Real estate activities
69-75 Professional, scientific and technical activities
77-82 Administrative and support service activities
90-93Arts, entertainment and recreation
95,96Other services

In 2009, 2010 and 2010, the "Other services" group was partially studied. From the year 2012 onwards, the two branches of this group will be studied again.

List of branches each year studied:

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Repair of computers and personal and household goods (div. 95)    YES    YES    YES   YES    YES
Other personal service activities (div. 96)    YES    –    –    –    YES

Several methodological improvements were applied to the Structural Business Statistics in 2016. The results for 2016 are therefore not strictly comparable with those for previous years.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.