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ICT equipment and e-commerce in companies. By size of company

ICT equipment and e-commerce in companies. By size of company Catalonia. 2010
Less than 10 wage earning employees 10 wage earning employees or more Total
Equipment (1)
Computer 76.8 99.1 78.1
Internet connection 70.6 98.1 72.2
E-mail 66.6 98.1 68.5
Website 21.4 70.7 24.3
Purchases 13.7 27.5 14.5
Sales 1.9 16.1 2.7
Units: Per cent.
Source: FOBSIC and Idescat, based on the INE Survey of equipment and use of information and comunication technologies and e-commerce in companies.
Note: (1) The data on equipment refers to January 2011.

Last update: November 22, 2013.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Electronic transaction in the purchase or sale of products (goods or services), between businesses, dwellings, individuals, Government or other public or private organisations, made via digital networks. The payment of goods or services acquired via e-commerce can be made through these networks or by other methods. Orders made by telephone, fax or manually typed e-mail messages are not considered e-commerce.

Methodological aspects

The Survey on the use of information and communication technologies and e-commerce in companies (ETICCE) is a sample based survey carried out annually by the INE throughout Spain. Through a collaboration agreement with the INE, Idescat extends the results offered by this operation for Catalonia.

The main objective of this survey is to find out about the implantation of ICT in companies and the use they make of a-commerce.

The ETICCE is an annual survey with a dual time reference: while the reference period for the e-commerce variables is the year indicated in the table, the reference period for the variables on ICT equipment is, the data on equipment refers to the following January.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".