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Gross disposable household income. By main components. Counties and Aran, and areas

Gross disposable household income (GDHI). By main components. Counties and Aran, and areas 2015
Resources Uses
Payment wage earners Gross operating profit Social benefits Social payments Taxes
Alt Camp 490,382 168,003 176,981 143,487 77,178
Alt Empordà 1,297,689 567,645 420,088 396,919 254,775
Alt Penedès 1,295,955 453,740 433,969 372,884 209,719
Alt Urgell 161,737 85,670 76,011 52,072 28,712
Alta Ribagorça 36,358 21,019 14,304 12,164 6,718
Anoia 1,312,027 468,240 487,268 380,971 209,007
Aran 109,533 45,408 27,977 33,895 22,495
Bages 1,993,002 635,143 883,589 568,824 376,853
Baix Camp 2,166,486 716,989 698,321 626,933 366,705
Baix Ebre 677,625 267,717 310,638 212,396 131,058
Baix Empordà 1,249,438 597,440 441,801 384,058 261,515
Baix Llobregat 11,068,575 4,210,388 3,398,887 3,069,755 1,903,620
Baix Penedès 942,287 441,879 391,700 281,689 184,177
Barcelonès 30,721,690 11,813,014 11,481,632 8,626,086 6,568,016
Berguedà 372,211 154,254 242,489 115,572 65,350
Cerdanya 157,885 99,195 48,013 52,518 35,077
Conca de Barberà 210,929 76,032 84,278 63,777 33,813
Garraf 1,821,798 778,388 570,456 520,979 367,497
Garrigues 152,325 79,664 80,151 53,357 24,264
Garrotxa 641,974 205,489 249,084 184,559 107,575
Gironès 2,340,077 756,452 672,276 657,949 412,633
Maresme 5,409,942 2,266,339 1,755,298 1,569,787 1,053,483
Moianès 147,449 64,378 50,277 44,669 26,446
Montsià 521,797 234,108 247,512 169,808 82,358
Noguera 327,948 153,558 144,446 109,344 52,682
Osona 1,862,220 649,866 657,469 543,743 303,125
Pallars Jussà 110,985 53,437 62,318 37,009 20,571
Pallars Sobirà 59,600 36,781 23,418 20,995 10,633
Pla d'Urgell 365,238 141,395 123,854 113,112 55,677
Pla de l'Estany 381,499 137,779 111,361 109,807 63,380
Priorat 76,262 43,059 38,396 26,561 12,711
Ribera d'Ebre 229,557 81,293 102,301 70,063 41,200
Ripollès 273,356 100,590 142,144 81,782 50,480
Segarra 237,695 93,470 76,359 73,013 38,808
Segrià 2,327,737 776,663 785,505 685,239 385,478
Selva 1,640,800 681,708 581,241 488,949 267,701
Solsonès 120,701 54,828 51,729 39,920 19,595
Tarragonès 2,989,617 965,927 952,823 843,283 530,559
Terra Alta 79,623 51,994 52,689 31,383 11,668
Urgell 340,646 132,462 138,648 106,349 55,638
Vallès Occidental 12,215,592 4,402,377 3,749,120 3,419,944 2,126,514
Vallès Oriental 5,087,727 1,994,126 1,577,547 1,449,622 852,726
Catalunya 94,025,975 35,757,908 32,614,368 26,845,227 17,708,190
Metropolità 64,548,046 24,710,459 21,975,961 18,148,933 12,513,192
Comarques Gironines 7,824,834 3,047,104 2,617,995 2,304,022 1,418,059
Camp de Tarragona 5,933,677 1,970,011 1,950,800 1,704,041 1,020,966
Terres de l'Ebre 1,508,602 635,111 713,140 483,650 266,284
Ponent 3,751,589 1,377,212 1,348,962 1,140,414 612,546
Comarques Centrals 4,451,064 1,534,254 1,872,075 1,298,990 782,535
Alt Pirineu i Aran 636,097 341,510 252,040 208,653 124,207
Penedès 5,372,066 2,142,248 1,883,393 1,556,524 970,401
Units: Thousands of euros.
Source: Idescat. Gross Disposable Household Income statistical operation. Counties and municipalities.
Note: The new county of El Moianès was created on 1 May 2015 (Law 4/2015, of 23 April, on the creation of the county of El Moianès) from the aggregation of five municipalities of the county of El Bages, one from the county of Osona and four from the county of El Vallès Oriental.

Last update: April 30, 2020.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Gross operating surplus and families' mixed incom
Surplus from entrepreneurial and professional activities by individual companies and personal partnerships without a legal personality, different to those treated as quasi corporations, which are market producers.
Tax on income and assets
Payment by families mainly in the form of a tax on the income of physical persons, tax on assets and a tax on property.
Social benefits
Current transfers awarded by third parties to households in money or kind, in order to prevent, repair or overcome certain states of need, without any equivalent counter-payment being made by the beneficiary.
Payment wage earners
Consists of all payment in cash or kind by employees to their wage earners in compensation for work done by the latter during the accounting period.
Gross disposable household income (GDHI)
Macromagnitude that measures the disposable income of residents of a territory for use in consumption or savings.

Methodological aspects

Gross Disposable Household Income (GDHI) is the macromagnitude thatmeasures the disposable income of the residents of a territory foruse in consumption or savings. This income does not only depend onthe income of families that is directly associated to payment for theircontribution to productive activity (payment of wage earners and gross operating surplus), but is also influenced by Public Administration activity through taxes and social benefits. It is calculated as a balance of families' income accounts, i.e. the difference between resources and uses as a whole. It is understood to be gross income, as no consumption of fixed capital is deducted.

The households sector includes all individuals or groups of individuals, both in their condition as consumers and, when relevant, as entrepreneurs that produce financial or non financial market goods or services (market producers), provided that, in the latter case, the corresponding activities are not undertaken by differentiated entities that are treated as quasi corporations. They also include individuals or groups of individuals that produce non financial services and goods exclusively for their own use.

The main resources of household income accounts are:

  • Compensation of employees
  • Gross operating surplus
  • Social benefits

The main uses are:

  • Social contributions
  • Income and wealth tax

Idescat presents the records of Gross Disposable Household Income (RFDB) 2010-2017 applying the criteria of the 2019 Statistical Benchmark Revision. This Revision is an update of the economic accounts carried out to incorporate new sources of information and improve the estimation procedures of the set of variables. The 2019 Benchmark Revision is instigated by Eurostat to homogenise the changes in the national accounts of all the member States of the European Union.

The magnitudes of gross disposable household income and its components for Catalonia are coherent with the estimates of the Household Income Distribution Accounts produced as part of the Spanish Regional Accounts. 2019 Benchmark Revision.

The 2019 Benchmark Revision's geographical scope encompasses the counties and municipalities in Catalonia with more than 1,000 inhabitants.

To produce the gross disposable household income per inhabitant, the population estimates on July 1 produced by Idescat are taken as a reference.