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Macromagnitudes. By activity groups

Industrial sectors. Macromagnitudes. By sections CCAE-2009 Catalonia. 2014
Extraction industries Manufacturing industries Prod. & distr. electric energy and gas Water supply, sanitation waste manag't Total
Value of Production (basics prices) 5,988,618 97,654,841 10,387,159 3,447,972 117,478,591
Intermediate consumption 5,477,772 73,334,314 7,645,555 1,771,281 88,228,922
Gross value added (basics prices) 510,847 24,320,528 2,741,605 1,676,691 29,249,669
Personnel costs 207,840 15,038,901 577,335 985,370 16,809,446
Taxes on production 8,428 209,019 365,390 17,918 600,755
Gross operating surplus 294,578 9,072,607 1,798,880 673,403 11,839,469
Units: Milers d'euros.
Source: Idescat, based on data from the INE's Industrial survey of companies.
Note: La secció d'indústries extractives inclou la divisió 19, refinació de petroli, tot i que segons la CCAE-2009 pertany a la secció indústries manufactureres.

Last update: March 29, 2016.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Gross operating surplus
Surplus generated by operational activities after compensating for the work factor. This can be calculated as the difference between gross value added at factor cost and personnel costs.
Gross value added at market prices
It is calculated upon the basis of the production value less intermediate consumption, which is made up of the sum of the consumption of raw materials and other supplies and expenditure on external services.
Gross value added at factor cost
Gross income from operating activities once the effects of the operating subsidies and indirect taxes have been adjusted. It is calculated upon the basis of the gross value added at market prices, deducting the taxes linked to production and products and adding the operating
Production vale (Structural business statistics in the industrial sector)
Number of final goods and services produced by the company during the year. It is equal to the turnover, plus the changes in inventories of products finished and in progress, plus the work performed by the company for its assets (capitalized production), plus accessory income and any other related to current management, less the consumption of goods.

Methodological aspects

The Structural Business Statistics in the Industrial Sector , called the Industrial Survey of Companies prior to the reference year 2014, is the main source of information on the industrial sector. This is an annual sample-based survey conducted by the INE in collaboration with Idescat. It offers structural information on industrial companies (establishments, employed population, production, costs and sales) disaggregated by large sectors and by 15 groups of the CCAE-2009.

The survey covers the whole territory of Spain (until 2012 were excluded Ceuta and Melilla) and is designed to offer results by autonomous communities. Idescat performs an annual treatment of the microdata in the survey in order to extend the results for Catalonia, both in terms of the number of branches and the available variables.

In 2008, the Industrial Survey of Companies was reformed in order to adapt it to the new European Regulation on Structural Business Statistics (SBS), the new national Classification of Economic Activities (CNAE-2009) and the new General Accounting Plan, passed in 2007. Some new modifications were also introduced to improve the quality of the survey while maintaining the strategic objective of reducing the burden on informants.

Until the year 2012, the Survey focussed its field of study on industrial companies with at least one employee. From 2013 onwards, the population scope was widened to include industrial companies without employees and the territorial scope was widened to include companies in Ceuta and Melilla. This extension of the populational scope of the sample (selected for Spain as a whole, not by autonomous communities) has led to an increase in the year-over-year variability of the number of companies and establishments. To ensure the comparability of the indicators between the different years, the calculations only take into account industrial companies with employees.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.