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Use of computers, use of Internet and availability of mobile phone among children aged 10 to 15 years. By place of use

Use of computers, use of Internet and availability of mobile phone among children aged 10 to 15 years. By place of use Catalonia
Use of computers Use of Internet Place At home At other homes In place of study In public centre In cybercafes In other places Availability of mobile phone
2024 95.2 93.9 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 67.4
2023 95.7 95.7 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 68.8
2022 92.0 96.4 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 69.0
2021 98.7 99.2 97.8 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 89.4 64.3
2020 94.1 95.6 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available 68.7
2019 92.8 95.4 96.4 62.4 88.3 40.6 14.1 22.1 66.7
2018 93.3 92.8 93.4 61.6 85.5 36.6 13.7 24.5 71.8
2017 94.1 92.7 91.9 50.8 81.7 29.4 7.4 16.1 69.4
2016 98.7 98.1 94.8 44.9 86.6 34.9 8.2 18.8 65.6
2015 94.6 95.6 93.9 31.1 85.5 20.1 0.9 30.8 61.8
2014 95.0 92.5 87.5 39.9 81.6 35.2 7.1 11.8 57.8
2013 96.7 94.8 84.6 30.2 78.1 20.8 5.4 8.3 53.1
2012 97.8 95.5 87.4 28.4 88.5 19.6 3.3 8.1 63.1
Units: Percentatge.
Source: Idescat, based on the INE Survey on Equipment and Use of ICT at homes.
For 2021, the category "other places" includes the other categories: other homes, place of study, public centre, cybercafé and other.
Children that use a computer or were connected to Internet in the 3 months prior to the survey.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.

Last update: January 30, 2025.

Methodological note

Methodological aspects

The Survey on the equipment and use of information and communication technologies in households is an annual sample-based survey conducted by the INE for the whole of Spain. On the basis of an agreement with the INE, Idescat expands upon the results offered by this operation for Catalonia.

The aim of the survey is to report on the ICT equipment (television, telephones and computer equipment, among others) of households and the use that the population makes of computers, Internet and e-commerce.

The target population consists of people that live in main family dwellings. Although the target population consists of people of all ages, in-depth studies are only conducted of those aged 16 years or over. If there are children aged 10 to 15 in the household, each of these is asked a series of questions related with the use of computers and the Internet.

The unit of analysis, in the case of dwellings, corresponds to those that have at least one member aged 16 to 74 years. In terms of individuals, this unit corresponds to people aged 16 to 74 years and children aged 10 to 15 years.

Since 2004, Idescat and the FOBSIC (Technology Observatory Foundation of Generalitat de Catalunya, Ministry of Public Governance and Institutional Relations) have conducted in Catalonia a complementary survey to that of the INE in order to obtain more territorially disaggregated information on the main indicators of equipment and use. These estimates are produced by applying compound estimators in the framework of the small area estimation methodology.

You can get more information about these statistics in the methodology.