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Municipal elections. Governors. By candidacies. Provinces

Municipal elections. Governors. By candidacies. Provinces 2011
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalonia
1991 919 312 311 302 1,844
1995 876 300 263 266 1,705
1999 1,126 313 309 332 2,080
2003 1,163 378 356 383 2,280
2007 1,206 458 440 465 2,569
2011 984 350 368 413 2,115
1991 1,943 936 783 667 4,329
1995 1,356 1,085 1,019 780 4,240
1999 1,280 1,039 994 804 4,117
2003 1,147 927 923 717 3,714
2007 1,170 789 782 674 3,415
2011 1,278 930 907 782 3,897
1991 107 55 41 30 233
1995 226 122 110 67 525
1999 288 150 143 95 676
2003 519 299 237 223 1,278
2007 549 398 355 278 1,580
2011 467 357 309 244 1,377
1991 80 21 75 80 256
1995 206 34 106 107 453
1999 197 31 121 102 451
2003 197 25 62 66 350
2007 176 19 31 58 284
2011 290 38 59 86 473
1991 223 16 6 10 255
1995 285 37 9 42 373
1999 239 23 4 25 291
2003 298 66 11 22 397
2007 310 84 26 37 457
2011 288 59 16 37 400
1991 5 8 8 3 24
Others (1)
1991 649 229 198 272 1,348
1995 455 221 191 263 1,130
1999 339 237 118 191 885
2003 253 144 110 164 671
2007 286 137 93 111 627
2011 454 203 86 127 870
1991 3,926 1,577 1,422 1,364 8,289
1995 3,404 1,799 1,698 1,525 8,426
1999 3,469 1,793 1,689 1,549 8,500
2003 3,577 1,839 1,699 1,575 8,690
2007 3,697 1,885 1,727 1,623 8,932
2011 3,761 1,937 1,745 1,689 9,132
Source: Departament de Governació i Administracions Públiques.
(1) Includes independent groups and non-parliamentary parties.
Since the electoral process of 2015, the votes of municipal elections by parties have ceased to be updated.

Last update: October 4, 2016.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Electoral regulations
The current electoral regulation in the State of Spain states in its criteria that it applies the system of proportional representation with complete, closed and blocked candidatures. The distribution of seats (whether seats in Parliament or governors of consistories) is made in accordance with Hondt's mathematical method. There are minimum percentages (3% for elections to the Parliament of Catalonia and legislative elections and 5% for local elections) by which parties or coalitions that have not obtained the same do not come into the distribution of seats.

Methodological aspects

The chapter on elections provides detailed information about the last time each type of election was held: European Parliament, general elections for the Congress of Deputies, Parliament of Catalonia, municipal elections and referendums. Also, with respect to previous editions, the results are presented for Catalonia as a whole in order to be able to offer comparable series.

In the tables only votes for parties that obtained representation are listed, while other parties, coalitions or groups of electors have been grouped as a single category of "others". The list of the different acronyms and meanings of the parties and coalitions that are included among said "others" in all of the tables have not been included in this Annual.

Since the electoral process of 2015, the votes of municipal elections by parties have ceased to be updated. This information can be obtained from the Ministry of Governance, Public Administrations and Housing.

List of the acronyms and names of the candidates that do appear in the tables
CiU Convergència i Unió
ERC Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya
IC-V Iniciativa per Catalunya-Verds
PP Partit Popular
PSC Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya
CDS Centre Democràtic i Social

It should be noted that the acronyms used in the table headings do not always correspond exactly to the names different parties or coalitions used in officially standing for elections.

For full details of all of the coalitions and groups, we refer readers to specific publications of an electoral nature.

In the county tables, the different candidatures are ordered from the highest to the lowest number of votes obtained for each of the parties in Catalonia as a whole and for each type of election.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".