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Parliament of Catalonia. Distribution of votes. By candidacies. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces

Parliament of Catalonia. 14 February 2021. Distribution of votes. By candidacies. Counties and Aran, areas and provinces 2021
Turnout Abstention PSC ERC JxCat VOX CUP-G ECP-PEC Cs PP Others candidacies
Alt Camp 52.67 47.33 14.60 25.92 29.09 5.73 10.75 3.40 3.12 2.39 4.14
Alt Empordà 52.21 47.79 15.59 22.11 27.79 9.74 7.47 3.82 4.05 2.72 5.75
Alt Penedès 57.40 42.60 17.05 25.61 25.65 4.83 9.83 5.59 3.07 2.04 5.44
Alt Urgell 53.63 46.37 15.77 27.49 28.89 3.49 8.68 3.87 2.60 2.70 5.22
Alta Ribagorça 57.31 42.69 20.88 23.32 21.43 3.30 9.46 6.11 1.83 2.87 9.65
Anoia 51.72 48.28 20.80 22.74 21.42 7.09 7.38 5.11 4.72 2.66 7.05
Aran 48.46 51.54 30.97 14.95 10.92 14.54 3.74 4.92 7.48 6.11 5.16
Bages 54.16 45.84 16.72 25.08 28.06 5.64 8.56 4.57 3.29 2.07 5.08
Baix Camp 50.15 49.85 19.13 22.68 21.44 9.78 7.29 4.45 5.73 4.16 4.57
Baix Ebre 48.37 51.63 15.35 32.67 21.44 5.58 6.74 5.05 2.62 2.45 7.17
Baix Empordà 53.41 46.59 17.18 23.03 31.20 5.96 7.85 4.21 3.47 1.93 4.21
Baix Llobregat 52.48 47.52 31.84 19.80 10.73 9.31 4.24 8.57 7.59 4.15 2.88
Baix Penedès 45.29 54.71 25.70 21.73 15.21 11.36 5.04 5.94 6.46 3.88 3.87
Barcelonès 53.92 46.08 26.53 18.55 15.65 7.77 6.29 9.08 6.55 5.29 3.61
Berguedà 58.04 41.96 9.91 26.11 36.67 2.39 11.70 2.70 1.65 1.41 6.42
Cerdanya 55.19 44.81 12.79 21.45 31.56 5.35 9.13 3.36 3.96 2.88 8.52
Conca de Barberà 57.70 42.30 9.94 31.76 31.81 2.96 10.08 3.16 1.40 1.41 6.33
Garraf 52.06 47.94 25.03 21.73 17.40 8.32 6.50 7.28 6.50 3.16 3.25
Garrigues 61.18 38.82 9.28 32.82 33.97 2.78 8.57 2.21 1.78 1.92 5.12
Garrotxa 57.64 42.36 10.25 23.53 40.53 3.10 10.61 3.22 1.44 1.10 5.03
Gironès 58.13 41.87 15.02 19.54 34.06 5.71 11.25 3.83 2.95 1.99 4.83
Maresme 54.18 45.82 19.82 22.90 23.21 7.85 6.56 6.09 5.21 3.34 4.18
Moianès 61.31 38.69 9.51 29.92 31.71 2.96 11.76 3.76 1.88 1.44 5.91
Montsià 47.42 52.58 15.99 33.59 19.24 6.35 7.23 4.54 2.80 3.20 6.04
Noguera 57.54 42.46 11.48 31.85 30.09 3.86 7.36 2.15 2.12 2.99 7.00
Osona 59.92 40.08 9.64 22.85 41.99 3.25 10.45 2.82 1.66 1.15 5.16
Pallars Jussà 58.29 41.71 16.39 23.80 34.38 2.84 9.34 3.46 1.96 1.73 4.95
Pallars Sobirà 65.53 34.47 9.56 28.63 30.75 1.35 14.40 3.52 1.46 1.46 7.56
Pla d'Urgell 56.32 43.68 10.98 29.43 33.20 3.80 6.25 2.08 2.06 2.47 8.37
Pla de l'Estany 64.51 35.49 7.40 25.22 41.47 2.04 12.22 3.06 1.42 1.19 5.14
Priorat 71.52 28.48 9.86 33.31 28.66 2.14 14.65 2.85 1.37 1.60 4.63
Ribera d'Ebre 59.70 40.30 13.12 33.89 26.94 3.33 9.03 3.25 2.25 2.57 4.63
Ripollès 57.26 42.74 11.88 23.54 37.98 3.65 9.20 3.23 1.79 1.30 6.40
Segarra 57.05 42.95 11.32 27.51 32.70 4.15 8.98 3.03 2.16 2.19 6.30
Segrià 52.00 48.00 18.21 24.48 23.39 7.63 6.16 3.78 4.44 4.86 5.96
Selva 50.67 49.33 18.29 21.53 29.57 6.92 7.05 5.23 4.22 2.07 4.17
Solsonès 57.34 42.66 9.61 24.87 37.00 2.78 11.65 2.22 1.64 2.03 7.24
Tarragonès 50.85 49.15 24.53 19.43 14.25 12.92 5.18 5.75 7.24 6.36 3.50
Terra Alta 61.72 38.28 15.13 30.60 23.09 4.49 8.08 3.72 1.90 4.53 7.30
Urgell 56.50 43.50 10.43 28.59 35.31 3.62 8.24 2.48 1.96 2.17 5.77
Vallès Occidental 53.08 46.92 25.83 20.26 16.67 8.83 5.73 7.87 6.59 3.62 3.75
Vallès Oriental 53.46 46.54 24.02 22.38 20.26 7.28 6.56 6.70 5.54 2.99 3.42
Non county 4.20 95.80 18.94 18.77 26.68 4.70 7.10 8.17 6.88 3.69 4.54
Catalonia 51.29 48.71 23.03 21.30 20.07 7.67 6.68 6.87 5.58 3.85 4.11
Metropolità 53.49 46.51 26.44 19.85 16.14 8.21 5.88 8.26 6.52 4.38 3.55
Comarques Gironines 57.21 42.79 12.64 24.45 35.05 4.12 9.84 3.56 2.35 1.61 5.39
Camp de Tarragona 54.73 45.27 15.26 21.81 32.65 6.19 9.04 4.07 3.24 1.97 4.83
Terres de l'Ebre 54.32 45.68 14.87 27.00 27.69 5.85 6.86 3.13 3.35 3.76 6.27
Ponent 55.58 44.42 16.44 23.75 28.34 4.83 9.08 3.87 3.20 2.81 6.51
Comarques Centrals 51.45 48.55 20.62 22.13 19.38 10.39 6.93 4.87 5.90 4.86 4.10
Alt Pirineu i Aran 50.35 49.65 15.22 33.00 21.63 5.42 7.37 4.49 2.57 2.91 6.40
Penedès 51.59 48.41 22.20 22.96 19.84 7.77 7.29 6.08 5.22 2.90 4.85
Barcelona 51.40 48.60 25.04 20.42 17.92 7.80 6.31 7.76 6.10 4.05 3.79
Girona 52.75 47.25 15.18 21.81 32.67 6.15 9.03 4.05 3.26 2.00 4.93
Lleida 51.92 48.08 15.02 26.57 28.04 5.53 7.39 3.23 3.22 3.55 6.25
Tarragona 48.86 51.14 20.04 24.48 19.38 9.39 6.79 4.92 5.24 4.31 4.59
Source: Ministry for Foreign Action and European Union.
Note: The number of valid votes is the sum of the number of votes for candidacies plus blank votes.

Last update: April 20, 2023.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Action of not participating in a vote. It is expressed as a number of people or percentage of the number of the electorate.
Action of taking part in a vote. It is expressed as the number of people or percentage of the electorate.

Methodological aspects

The chapter on elections provides detailed information about the last time each type of election was held: European Parliament, general elections for the Congress of Deputies, Parliament of Catalonia, municipal elections and referendums. Also, with respect to previous editions, the results are presented for Catalonia as a whole in order to be able to offer comparable series.

In the tables, only votes for parties that obtained representation are listed, while other parties, coalitions or groups of electors have been grouped as a single category of "others". The list of the different acronyms and meanings of the parties and coalitions that are included among said "others" in all of the tables have not been included in this Annual.

List of the acronyms and names of the candidates that do appear in the tables
CiU Convergència i Unió
ERC Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya
IC-V Iniciativa per Catalunya-Verds
PP Partit Popular
PSC Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya
C's Ciutadans-Partit de la Ciutadania
SI Solidaritat Catalana per la Independència
CUP Candidatura d'Unitat Popular-Alternativa d'Esquerres
JxSí Junts pel Sí
CatSíqueesPot Catalunya sí que es pot
CatComú-Podem Catalunya en Comú-Podem
JUNTSxCAT Junts per Catalunya

It should be noted that the acronyms used in the table headings do not always correspond exactly to the names different parties or coalitions used in officially standing for elections.

For example, for the elections to the Parliament of Catalonia 2003, Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds stood as a coalition with Esquerra Alternativa to form a candidature called ICV-EA, while the Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya did so along with Ciutadans pel Canvi, calling their candidature PSC-CIPC. Meanwhile, in the elections to the Congress of Deputies in 2004 ICV stood in coalition with Esquerra Unida i Alternativa to constitute a candidature called ICV-EUiA.

For full details of all of the coalitions and groups, we refer readers to specific publications of an electoral nature.

In the county tables, the different candidatures are ordered from the highest to the lowest number of votes obtained for each of the parties in Catalonia as a whole and for each type of election.

The new county of El Moianès was created on 1 May 2015 (Law 4/2015, of 23 April, on the creation of the county of El Moianès) from the aggregation of five municipalities of the county of El Bages, one from the county of Osona and four from the county of El Vallès Oriental.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".