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Property register. Acts undertaken. Provinces

Property register. Acts undertaken. Provinces 2007
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalonia Spain % Cat./Spa.
Properties registered for the first time 476 478 2,570 1,809 5,333 185,311 2.9
Rural 67 92 1,213 773 2,145 81,683 2.6
Urban 409 386 1,357 1,036 3,188 103,628 3.1
Transfer of property 179,428 48,627 36,359 54,045 318,459 2,513,225 12.7
Rural properties 4,540 5,716 11,996 9,049 31,301 509,409 6.1
Wills 2,008 3,065 6,780 4,557 16,410 177,317 9.3
Acts or contracts with involvement of price 2,019 2,189 4,143 3,794 12,145 272,910 4.5
Acts or contracts without involvement of price 513 462 1,073 698 2,746 59,182 4.6
Urban properties 174,888 42,911 24,363 44,996 287,158 2,003,816 14.3
Wills 32,068 5,842 3,760 5,593 47,263 256,353 18.4
Acts or contracts with involvement of price 127,781 34,290 18,794 36,126 216,991 1,571,338 13.8
Acts or contracts without involvement of price 15,039 2,779 1,809 3,277 22,904 176,125 13.0
Source: Ministerio de Justicia. Dirección General de los Registros y del Notariado.

Last update: January 20, 2012.

Methodological note

Methodological aspects

The aim of the Property Register, which depends on the Ministry of Justice, is to register or record legal or administrative acts, contracts or resolutions that affect property and other rights to immovable assets, whether privately or publicly owned, as well as certain legal resolutions that affect people's capacity.

The Property Register publishes the registered facts, acts and rights for those with a legitimate interest in knowing them. Also, provides legal security for the registered rights, safeguarding the security and agility of legal traffic and saving on transaction costs.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".