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Hospital care. By type of hospital and type of concert

Assistència hospitalària. Per tipus de concert amb el Servei Català de la Salut Catalonia. 1998
Concert atenció d'aguts
Centres de l'ICS Altres centres Agreement for socio-sanitary/ psychiatric care No concertats Total
Centres hospitalaris 13 57 63 44 177
Llits totals (1) 4,638 11,788 8,976 3,298 28,700
Personal sanitari (2) 10,752 20,185 4,798 4,239 39,974
Altes 161,687 467,530 25,132 165,353 819,702
Estades 1,440,957 3,521,671 3,038,117 813,654 8,814,399
Consultes externes 1,836,111 5,171,228 37,613 1,096,488 8,141,440
Urgències 667,192 2,461,422 47,377 477,516 3,653,507
Altes a càrrec Seguretat Social 121,265 430,319 17,378 7,176 576,138
Despeses corrents (3) 646.61 1,442.89 211.84 416.68 2,718.01
Ingressos corrents (3) 609.39 1,414.68 197.97 411.28 2,633.32
Personal sanitari/llit 2.3 1.7 0.5 1.3 1.4
Índex d'ocupació (%) 85.1 81.8 92.7 67.6 84.1
Altes Seguretat Social /altes (%) 96.8 92.2 73.2 4.4 73.8
Atenció d'aguts
Llits 4,546 10,392 199 3,038 18,175
Altes 161,281 460,129 4,547 164,914 790,871
Estades 1,408,991 3,035,271 50,031 750,328 5,244,621
Índex d'ocupació (%) 84.9 80.0 68.9 67.7 79.1
Índex de rotació 35.5 44.3 22.9 54.3 43.5
Estada mitjana 8.7 6.6 11.0 4.6 6.6
Estades d'aguts/estades (%) 97.8 86.2 1.7 92.2 59.5
Atenció sociosanitària (4)
Llits 92 1,304 4,458 237 6,091
Altes 406 5,831 11,399 313 17,949
Estades 31,966 452,350 1,563,899 59,093 2,107,308
Índex d'ocupació (%) 95.2 95.0 96.1 68.3 94.8
Atenció en hospitals psiquiàtrics
Llits 0 92 4,319 23 4,434
Altes 0 1,570 9,186 126 10,882
Estades 0 34,050 1,424,187 4,233 1,462,470
Índex d'ocupació (%) 0.0 101.4 90.3 50.4 90.4
Source: Departament de Sanitat i Seguretat Social. Direcció General de Recursos Sanitaris.
(1) Llits en funcionament. Inclou incubadores.
(2) Personal ponderat a 40 hores setmanals.
(3) Milions d'euros.
(4) Inclou la residència assistida en hospitals d'aguts i/o llarga estada.

Last update: June 18, 2009.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Hospital centre
Centre that provides a permanent service, including admission, with medical and nursing care, and that provides beds for continuous attention. Hospital centres are classified according to the type of hospital care given: acute admission, socio-sanitary and psychiatric to which they dedicate 80% or more of their operative beds. If a centre provides more than one type of care, without any of them reaching 80%, then they are classed as mixed hospitals.
Average hospital stay
Average number of days that a patient stays in hospital, i.e. the ratio between the total number stays for patients admitted over the year and the number of admissions and releases to and from hospital over the same period of time.
Rotation index
Number of patients that use a hospital bed over the course of a year.
Hospital occupancy rate
Number of occupied beds in relation to the total over a period of one year. Does not include casualty services, those used by the centre's staff, nor those for people accompanying patients.
Hospital bed
Bed that is regularly attended to by medical and nursing staff, located in an area of a hospital centre and that offers ongoing care to the admitted patients. Includes incubators and only operative beds. Excluded from this category are beds for births, for healthy neonates, for anaesthesia and reanimation, for unit observation or casualty services, for external consultancy and for people accompanying patients. They can be classified as two different types: care of acute patients and socio-sanitary care.
Type of arrangement
Understood to be the existence or not of an agreement between a public financing body (Catalan Health Service or Health Department) and a hospital centre, in order for the latter to provide hospital care services.
Units of Measure of Activity (UMA)
Basic unit of hospital activity weighted according to the estimated workload of each activity: [((discharges + outpatient surgeries) x 1) + (0.0266 x total visits) + (0.0472 x emergencies) + (0.0796 x other outpatient treatments) + (0.0907 x partial hospitalisation sessions)]. This indicator uses weighting algorithms taken from the UME (standardised units of measure) index.

Methodological aspects

Statistics on Healthcare Establishments with Internment Schemes (EESRI) was introduced by the Spanish Government's Presidential Order on 18th May 1973 in order to collect information on the structure, facilities and activity of hospital centres. It is a part of both the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Spanish Government's official statistics; for this reason, all centres operating in Spain are obliged to comply. From 1980 onwards, it is the Catalan Ministry of Health's responsibility to collect, confirm and analyse the data from authorised centres in Catalonia.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".