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Hospital health professionals. By categories and doctors by services. Provinces

Hospital employees. By categories, type of subsidy and type of hospital Catalonia. 2010
Public (subsidised) Privat (non subsidised)
Acute Socisanitary Psychiatric Psychiatric and socio-sanitary Acute Psychiatric and/or socio-sanitary Total
Total employees (1) 68,571 6,258 784 4,397 11,961 306 92,277
Medical staff 53,413 4,964 641 3,705 9,277 202 72,202
Facultative staff 16,082 468 97 524 4,182 45 21,398
Medical specialities 4,758 368 26 88 1,024 12 6,276
Surgical specialities 3,931 44 0 0 2,041 0 6,016
Others specialities 4,039 44 71 338 1,071 32 5,595
Resident intern doctors 3,354 12 0 98 46 1 3,511
Nursing staff 20,029 1,231 128 913 2,554 41 24,896
Assistants 19,192 1,221 112 886 2,413 41 23,865
Professional midwife 632 0 0 0 139 0 771
Resident intern nursing staff 205 10 16 27 2 0 260
Orderlies 14,632 2,855 349 1,913 2,128 79 21,956
Other medical staff 2,670 410 67 355 413 37 3,952
Non-medical staff 15,158 1,294 143 692 2,684 104 20,075
Source: Ministry of Health.
Note: (1) Excluding dependent non-hospital centres.

Last update: February 11, 2015.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Hospital centre
Centre that provides a permanent service, including admission, with medical and nursing care, and that provides beds for continuous attention. Hospital centres are classified according to the type of hospital care given: acute admission, socio-sanitary and psychiatric to which they dedicate 80% or more of their operative beds. If a centre provides more than one type of care, without any of them reaching 80%, then they are classed as mixed hospitals.

Methodological aspects

Statistics on Healthcare Establishments with Internment Schemes (EESRI) was introduced by the Spanish Government's Presidential Order on 18th May 1973 in order to collect information on the structure, facilities and activity of hospital centres. It is a part of both the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Spanish Government's official statistics; for this reason, all centres operating in Spain are obliged to comply. From 1980 onwards, it is the Catalan Ministry of Health's responsibility to collect, confirm and analyse the data from authorised centres in Catalonia.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".