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Hospital health professionals. By categories and doctors by services. Provinces

Hospital health professionals (1). By categories and doctors by services. Provinces 2005
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalonia
Health professionals by categories 42,890 5,062 2,554 5,446 55,952
Doctors 13,276 1,408 709 1,629 17,022
Pharmacists 288 38 21 30 377
Other high qualified 427 63 62 59 611
Nurses 15,658 1,820 978 2,004 20,460
Health specialists 1,874 245 92 274 2,485
Clinical auxiliaries 11,367 1,488 692 1,450 14,997
Doctors by services 15,543 1,490 778 1,811 19,622
Medicine 4,023 424 271 659 5,377
Surgery 3,376 384 150 427 4,337
Obstetrics and gynaecology 1,087 116 54 109 1,366
Paediatrics 774 108 35 78 995
Psychiatry 360 2 31 7 400
Central services 2,273 193 100 255 2,821
On call 1,383 181 68 94 1,726
MIR (2) 2,267 82 69 182 2,600
Source: Ministry of Health.
(1) Excluding psychiatric hospitals.
(2) Internal and resident doctor.

Last update: June 18, 2009.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Hospital centre
Centre that provides a permanent service, including admission, with medical and nursing care, and that provides beds for continuous attention. Hospital centres are classified according to the type of hospital care given: acute admission, socio-sanitary and psychiatric to which they dedicate 80% or more of their operative beds. If a centre provides more than one type of care, without any of them reaching 80%, then they are classed as mixed hospitals.

Methodological aspects

Statistics on Healthcare Establishments with Internment Schemes (EESRI) was introduced by the Spanish Government's Presidential Order on 18th May 1973 in order to collect information on the structure, facilities and activity of hospital centres. It is a part of both the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Spanish Government's official statistics; for this reason, all centres operating in Spain are obliged to comply. From 1980 onwards, it is the Catalan Ministry of Health's responsibility to collect, confirm and analyse the data from authorised centres in Catalonia.

Unavailable information is represented using the symbol ":". When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".