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Certified dentists and stomatologists, pharmacists and veterinary surgeons. Provinces

Certified dentists and stomatologists, pharmacists and veterinary surgeons. Provinces 2015
Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Catalonia Spain % Cat./Spa.
Dentists and stomatologists 4,149 441 222 374 5,186 34,641 15.0
Pharmacists 8,553 866 521 825 10,765 69,774 15.4
Veterinary surgeons 2,598 514 479 369 3,960 31,242 12.7
Source: INE.

Last update: May 30, 2016.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Professional association
Corporation governed by public law that is set to an instance of management of public interests related to the exercise of a given profession and as a vehicle for collegial participation of people in the administration of such interests.
Health profession
That one that is regulated by Law 44/2003, of 21 November, of the Regulations of Health Professions, or fulfils the requirements established by this law.

Methodological aspects

The Registered Health Professionals Statistic developed by INE gives yearly information about the number of health professionals that are registered in official associations in Spain, according to the official associations of health professionals.

To adequately evaluate the data on health professionals, it must be noted that these are exclusively qualified professionals. Some people, despite being qualified, do not work in any field related to their qualification, while there are also qualified professionals that work in multiple professional areas.

Data on December 31st and provisional data.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".