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Voluntary termination of pregnancy. Counties and Aran

Voluntary termination of pregnancy. Counties and Aran
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
Alt Camp 57 67 69 69 66 43 74 66 53 69 95 102 73 82 81 82 75 56 56 68 50 48 43
Alt Empordà 401 351 328 369 354 349 400 391 445 488 437 487 555 580 608 646 556 479 419 382 317 294 230
Alt Penedès 265 254 200 242 232 192 207 207 187 195 220 216 259 243 263 211 214 211 170 152 150 132 123
Alt Urgell 35 18 19 32 23 20 20 17 28 27 24 31 30 32 41 36 27 40 27 29 31 16 17
Alta Ribagorça 5 7 3 4 6 4 6 3 8 11 1 2 7 11 8 5 4 6 6 4 2 5 5
Anoia 214 176 221 229 249 211 202 237 216 212 262 243 237 276 263 252 223 209 186 195 182 138 144
Aran 19 14 14 19 9 8 9 19 12 11 7 17 21 14 20 20 21 17 13 12 14 12 15
Bages 361 306 375 385 403 318 331 389 345 400 409 372 390 421 446 340 307 221 251 222 210 194 209
Baix Camp 401 395 360 446 403 373 374 342 311 409 490 497 453 469 518 278 351 239 193 218 220 173 204
Baix Ebre 137 115 101 119 123 103 115 128 121 143 141 139 143 146 169 142 120 105 78 78 93 75 60
Baix Empordà 290 266 266 313 272 269 284 278 284 296 332 385 372 439 418 457 441 361 342 317 284 262 275
Baix Llobregat 1,869 1,770 1,805 1,955 1,871 1,728 1,732 1,697 1,617 1,861 1,887 1,910 2,099 2,195 2,299 2,022 1,935 1,681 1,663 1,554 1,636 1,478 1,468
Baix Penedès 251 239 242 238 256 245 221 208 191 229 223 243 257 272 268 214 202 184 150 134 138 102 106
Barcelonès 8,124 7,372 7,384 8,237 7,584 7,615 7,217 7,235 7,628 8,778 8,298 8,557 9,457 9,908 10,334 9,024 7,968 6,616 6,548 6,355 6,687 6,134 5,725
Berguedà 90 75 72 77 57 55 53 58 47 68 56 58 78 73 89 54 56 56 28 38 33 29 29
Cerdanya 48 27 35 37 37 46 21 29 37 34 32 37 48 47 46 54 48 50 51 39 30 24 25
Conca de Barberà 31 29 28 29 20 14 18 16 23 28 29 33 31 39 37 39 28 34 22 23 23 20 19
Garraf 377 357 339 355 371 332 337 297 288 366 344 349 399 383 423 402 360 312 285 281 268 238 238
Garrigues 25 25 31 17 23 18 25 25 30 26 17 23 23 20 32 15 17 16 14 18 16 11 11
Garrotxa 152 126 124 140 149 121 126 131 128 117 125 135 137 157 142 113 130 122 94 104 94 67 75
Gironès 617 524 548 623 559 559 551 489 524 607 672 677 678 715 771 810 748 693 563 523 476 443 386
Maresme 955 890 910 959 888 822 852 871 722 918 916 1,019 1,001 1,143 1,123 906 861 716 718 693 764 642 663
Moianès 27 14 25 20 27 23 20 18 .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available .. Confidential data, low reliability or not available
Montsià 149 117 140 122 142 96 95 110 99 111 129 139 146 117 120 85 107 79 49 72 67 65 36
Noguera 62 53 64 58 58 47 59 55 57 59 44 43 70 66 90 50 42 40 32 30 33 37 33
Osona 408 393 410 421 388 354 449 329 285 306 317 330 286 340 388 304 300 239 193 175 202 163 157
Pallars Jussà 22 12 25 26 10 21 19 15 20 22 11 11 15 20 15 17 5 17 6 10 6 6 9
Pallars Sobirà 17 13 12 10 15 19 11 12 8 8 9 15 12 13 10 12 15 8 11 8 11 9 10
Pla d'Urgell 79 63 67 60 49 51 57 67 43 57 50 61 59 57 80 46 55 47 36 19 31 25 25
Pla de l'Estany 67 61 59 71 60 60 62 73 70 70 70 77 72 76 92 84 58 77 50 57 57 55 31
Priorat 18 12 11 5 12 8 11 7 6 9 7 22 14 12 16 4 4 9 5 7 7 6 7
Ribera d'Ebre 24 24 12 15 24 16 25 18 14 20 20 39 25 28 35 27 29 24 12 20 17 20 14
Ripollès 48 45 48 40 42 34 39 36 28 32 31 42 52 38 43 37 42 49 29 23 28 35 29
Segarra 34 31 42 43 40 31 28 29 31 34 31 31 38 32 52 25 27 33 26 12 17 25 18
Segrià 593 524 499 521 533 518 493 524 440 613 569 570 572 653 650 437 414 347 326 276 278 220 250
Selva 433 376 402 465 395 403 377 403 355 419 429 467 487 498 531 517 477 418 379 345 330 233 244
Solsonès 18 23 13 22 19 22 18 19 17 23 17 22 26 36 25 28 10 14 9 13 13 11 16
Tarragonès 629 551 563 654 589 573 576 561 521 704 855 811 789 900 754 671 604 502 452 459 381 325 296
Terra Alta 11 3 8 6 9 10 3 4 6 7 10 11 6 16 9 12 4 15 13 5 3 5 5
Urgell 66 61 65 61 63 51 64 46 52 53 44 58 64 57 66 43 37 34 29 29 33 40 27
Vallès Occidental 2,370 2,115 2,074 2,275 2,301 2,014 2,077 211 2,003 2,152 2,148 2,176 2,352 2,612 2,720 2,306 2,175 1,719 1,610 1,600 1,516 1,379 1,266
Vallès Oriental 967 818 930 938 947 824 855 873 847 909 923 947 1,015 1,124 1,165 945 933 703 692 684 621 602 523
Non residents 1,119 847 857 1,209 1,337 1,066 1,148 1,079 983 1,182 1,225 1,210 1,457 1,686 1,672 2,027 1,946 1,636 1,442 1,322 1,341 1,409 1,070
Catalonia 21,885 19,559 19,800 21,936 21,015 19,686 19,661 19,521 19,130 22,083 21,956 22,614 24,305 26,046 26,932 23,799 21,976 18,434 17,278 16,605 16,710 15,207 14,136
Source: Ministry of Health.
Note: Abortions registered in Catalonia by residence of the woman.
(..) Confidential data, low reliability or not available.

Last update: November 2, 2023.

Methodological note

Definition of concepts

Interruption of a pregnancy before the foetus is able to survive independently.

Methodological aspects

The voluntary termination of pregnancy (VTP) was depenalized for the first time in Spain in 1985, in three cases: serious danger to the life or health of the pregnant woman, presumed defects in the fetus and rape.

On July 5, 2010 came into force the Law on Sexual and Reproductive Health that regulates the practice of abortion, to ensure better health care for women. The timing and motives currently authorized are: during the first 14 weeks of gestation at the request of the woman, and during the first 22 weeks of gestation, provided there is serious risk to the life or health of the pregnant woman or whenever there are serious abnormalities in the fetus. Beyond the twenty-second week of pregnancy, the Act contemplates two exceptional cases of termination of pregnancy: when detecting fetal anomalies incompatible with life, or when the fetus is found in an extremely serious and incurable disease at the time of diagnosis and so confirm a clinical committee. In addition, the Act establishes a set of guarantees relating to effective access to health provision of the voluntary termination of pregnancy and the protection of privacy and confidentiality of women.

The voluntary termination of pregnancy can be performed on all public and private health centers accredited. These centers should provide, in accordance with the Order of theDepartment of Health (1986), the information that feeds the Register of voluntary termination of pregnancy database. The first outpatient health center for this medical intervention was not accredited until December 19, 1988.

When the value is lower than that of the minimum unit to be able to estimate the statistical operation or if it effects statistical confidentiality, the symbol used is "..".